Memorial season

by peggy 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • peggy

    We are in the "memorial season" and therefore we should sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice! This is what I am hearing at the meetings. Pioneer! Jesus died for you!

    The memorial season always brings me down! It is the MOST anti-climactic time of the year! I think it a disgrace to hold a memorial for the Son of God is such a manner! For a mere 45mins, we hear a talk about a man who gave his life for ALL of mankind, for which only a select few will partake of his emblems, we dutifully pass the cup and the bread, listen to some formalistic and dare I say, boring prayers and walk away feeling lost. At least this is how I feel. Lost and sick!

    When I was a child and still idealistic, we dressed special for the memorial. It was an OCCASION! It seemed to have meaning! It has lost ALL meaning for me. It is nothing more than a show and numbers. I would be embarrassed to invite ANYONE to such an occasion! If I feel this way, how must GOD feel?


  • juni

    Hi Peggy,

    I remember that almost every Memorial night was rainy and cold. Everyone dressed their very best and hair and makeup were all in place. Before the Memorial, the Hall was cleaned from top to bottom.

    I was always in awe of the big full moon that night.

    It's all very depressing to me now.


  • truthseeker

    Peggy, I feel the same as you do about the "Season"

    'Tis the season for Watchtower Hype, it';s the only event of the year where they can show worldly people how great they are, and the 3 month burst of activity around this time of year only emphasizes that fact.

    Last week during the Service Meeting I sat and watched as a list of 15 people were read off from the platform as auxiliary pioneers. I mean who gives a sh*t anyway?

    No one remembers who's pioneering - ask them a month later how many aux. pioneered that month.

    What, for 50 hours they get their name read in public and a clap - sounds like one of those MLM meetings to me.

    Yes, the Memorial season is pure ball, there is no evidence that Jesus and his apostles were handing out Memorial Invites to the Lord's Supper.

  • unique1

    Tis why I celebrate at home now.

  • candidlynuts

    i actually enjoyed the memorial talks back when the elders who gave the talk could prepare it himself. the last 3 i went to were just read from a script verbatum.

    the best memorial talk i ever heard was stephen lett gave one.. he has a great speaking voice and had everyone on the edge of their seats..very charismatic man.

  • heathen

    I agree with the posters that have said the memorial is nothing more than a marketing gimmick to raise money by luring unsuspecting people to the meeting . I think it absurd that they discourage people from participating after having invited them . They do not follow the bible on this one at all .

  • greendawn

    That is the crux of the matter virtually all JWs can not participate, despite the fact that the average JW leads a reasonably moral life, as if they are excluded from the christian covenent. To what covenent do they belong then?

    Cults do know how to produce soul destroying doctrines.

  • peggy

    Truthseeker---Last week they announced that 18 were aux. pioneering this month. Then they gave a local needs talk about feild service. Seems the average hours for the hall had dropped to 6.2 for the month! Down from 7.9 just six months ago when the C.O. last visited.

    I find that very ironic!


  • anewme

    Well I dont want to make the mistake of throwing the baby out with the bath water.

    If Wednesday evening is the exact night or Jesus' passion and suffering then it should be noted.

    Celebrate it how you think it should be celebrated.

    Watch the "Passion of the Christ"

    Get down on your knees and pray.

    Get out your Bible and read the accounts of his last three days.

    Make some little memorial emblems. This is easy! It used to be my assignment for 10 years.
    1. Mix some wheat flour with water
    2. Roll it out veeeeeeery veeeeeery thin
    3. Place these thin large rounds on cookie sheets and bake at 350 until crisp
    4. Remove and break into small pieces resembling 1st century rustic passover crisps
    5. Uncork some fragrant unadulterated red wine (you get what you pay for, so enjoy some fine stuff)

    Take a walk in the gloaming hours after sunset and watch as the moon rises over your head.

    Remember the man who said he died for you that you may have life. Thank him with all your heart.

    Then go in and have a delicious glass of wine and a cracker and go on JWD!

  • Cabin in the woods
    Cabin in the woods

    A New Me, I think that you have it down pat.

    Hubby is going to go and celebrate it with his brothers and sister in the 'truth'

    This is the first time in 33 years that I will be going . What a wonderful way to acknowledge tomorrow by going down to the edge of the woods while meditating and praying. That just makes great sense to me. Also perhaps a bit of bible reading before and / or after would be good for the soul.

    Great idea. Thank you,


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