Well they FINALLY CALLED!!!!

by Lady Liberty 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • What-A-Coincidence


    No click" at end of tape"

    Simply removing the pen turns on the ultra-sensitive microphone recorder, strong enough to record through fabric

  • What-A-Coincidence

    $ to burn?

  • What-A-Coincidence
  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Wow What a Cconcidence,

    This is like total spy stuff!! My recoreder I bought is self activated, and there is no click when it goes off. It is smaller thatn my cell phone.

    I like the book idea...Thank you for your tips. O.. by the way, thank you for your recent post on how to take charge at a JC meeting. Boy, I bet you could really mess with their heads doing what you've suggested!


    Lady Liberty

  • greendawn

    They are only interested to visit JWs when there is some reason to do so something that is in their interest, when they want to criticise or persuade inactive JWs to start working for the org. Otherwise they don't really care about any problems they may have.

  • looking_glass

    Good Luck LL.

  • freedomlover

    LL - well they are building there case against you. It's amazing how my dad and stepmom both told us months ago that "NO elders come after you for having questions about date stuff!" and now my dad and her are seeing first hand how the wheels have started churning back where we moved from, in order to build a case against us. Bethel and the some elders know the 607 stuff is B.S.! ( have you read Crisis of Conscience yet by Ray Franz?) Your description is exactly what I told my dad the first time we spoke about things. I said "I feel like I've stumbled onto something that I wasn't supposed to know about and they will take me down if I share this with anyone!" I am more than willing to share this info. with people but due to circumstances in my life I am trying to avoid DFing for one person. things may change down the road shortly though.

    My dad talked with my hubby yesterday about the latest developments amongst our BOE's back home. (he is like our spy - it's great!) But I told him I have more info. on how the Society misrepresented Grayson's words in the Insight book (thanks LL!) and he wants a copy ASAP! He said to my hubby - "ya know, if all this stuff isn't true and I decide to not follow it anymore, I need to have all my proof here so that I can help others as well!" WOW!!!! we were floored. He's still going to meetings, and wants to be reappointed as an elder but he is slowly seeing things for what they really are. This was from a man who 2 months ago was begging us just to fade quietly so my brother and sister would still talk to us. Now he's starting to understand why it's SO HARD to not DEFEND yourself when you're pushed into a corner!


    WE have an awesome recording of Rick Townsends JC and it deals with 607 stuff. I'll try to find the link for you....

  • KW13

    Hey LL, i know this stuff is kinda hard to do even when you know the facts. The Elders e.t.c think they are in some authority and will want to control situations. I think the key is to take control of the conversation (in a way that they don't notice) and direct your questions. If its at your home you are the host. Don't let things go further than you want things too.

  • freedomlover

    I always find it interesting how toxic people like the elders or my parents for example want to have these discussions on "thier turf." I know with my own parents if you have to speak with them in person then we meet in a neutral public place. They are so much better behaved than when they are in their comfort zone. Kingdom hall = power and authority to the elders!

  • freedomlover

    edit to last post - by parents I mean my mom and stepdad, NOT my dad and stepmom who are making progress leaving the org!

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