Hotel Discounts, at conventions. Oh how we fooled ourselves!

by free2beme 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • MinisterAmos


    If a Dub stays at a non approved hotel then he-she will have some ´splainin to do.

    Remember that the WT counsels against large parties or groups of Dubs coming together casually. The reasoning is that there will be inadequate supervision for everyone.

    By having all the Dubz room together they will always be under an Elder´s watchful eye.

  • undercover
    By having all the Dubz room together they will always be under an Elder´s watchful eye.

    I kinda forgot about that. That may not be the main reason but it does weigh in.

    I remember a hotel that became very popular for the young crowd to stay at back in the day. Even though we lived in the host city, a bunch of us would rent rooms, pack em full of friends and party like 1999 (Thanks, Brother Prince) Soon the rumors started flying, the elders starting watching and then one year a bunch of kids got busted. Drinking games, drunkeness, dirty movies, dirty dancing and *gasp* sex!. I was lucky, I saw it coming. I didn't stay there that year. The year before was so close to getting us busted that I decided to sit it out. I'm glad I did. But boy, the stories from the few years I did stay was great fun.

  • minimus

    Undercover, was that in Providence, RI? It's all about C O N T R O L !!!! If the elders and Society could make sure that you took a sh*t in an "approved" location, they'd make ya do that too!

  • undercover
    Undercover, was that in Providence, RI? was down South, in the same great state that RichieRich lives in. is about control. From parties, er, gatherings, to private WT studies to where you stay for the conventions, it's about them keeping tabs on what everybody is doing. Once they control what you're doing, it's easier to control what you're thinking.

  • willyloman

    In Long Beach, CA, there is a convention center that the dubs use for their DC's. Often there are three, four, five, six of them there each summer. There is a lovely Hyatt attached to one end of the convention center - actually, it is separated by some greenery and a walkway, but it could not be more convenient. Several years ago, the WT lost whatever relationship it had with the hotel and it disappeared from the "approved" list. Of course, it filled up every year anyway.

    The powers that be got really upset and made an announcement to the effect that 'a large number of JWs were seen going back to the Hyatt Hotel after the convention, and please be reminded that this hotel is not on the list...,' followed by admonition to follow the society's instructions. The guy making the announcement said 'even some elders' were seen going to the hotel. So, yes, they were standing by the door watching, as someone suggested above.

  • sass_my_frass

    Anybody who can look up their hotel on would have been able to work out that convention discounts are a bit of a laugh.

  • Berean

    I knew a brother that used his corporate discount, at the same hotel/motel that the rest uf us stayed and got a much cheaper rate.

    Some of the cult wanted to get him in trouble with the CO and DO, I always said he was smarter than the rest of us - those of us paying rates that anyone could get.

    The only reason the Borg wanted the "Children of the Dirt" to go along, was to get the free rooms that came with the "block" of rooms, that went to the Borg speakers and deserving ones (poor pioneers).

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