Special WT Issue in 2014 - What articles will it contain?

by VM44 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • moomanchu

    An article entitled :

    Why are you looking behind to 1914 ?


  • yaddayadda

    Easy, there will 2 articles.

    The first will be more general and will dwell on the theme of how Jehovah doesn't want anyone to be destroyed but all to desire to repentance and how merciful Jehovah is to allow the system to go on so long so more people can become dubs and thus be saved.

    The second article will get more to the point and be based on the scripture that says 'even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it'. There will be 'new light' that this scripture is being literally fulfilled and we are in a 'delay' period but that it is really great news because JW's have all the more reason to 'lift their heads up because [their] deliverance is getting near'.

  • Berean

    The article will say "DAMIT, the end will come soon because we SAID SO!!!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    "'Some Brothers' have been WRONG for 100 years--You can be one of us!"

    "Prophetic failure--the NEXT 100 years!"

    "How 'bout those Mets?"

    "Life Everlasting in the Freedom of the Sons of God--unless YOU expect it!"

    "The Paradise is here and in full swing!

    P.S. - we've just redefined 'Paradise'!"

  • mkr32208

    Well with decreasing numbers in the industrialized world I imagine by then the entire magazine will look something like this...

    ?????????? totally ?????!????????????????!????????????????!????????????????!???????????!

    Dammit my Chinese is coming through in all ?????'s crap it was really funny to translate it back into English too! Anyway my point was that pretty soon the watchtower won't be put out in english anyway why waste money!

  • Thirdson

    "A Voice in the Wilderness"

    ...similarly, as many (in the 1st century) incorrectly belived that John was the Messiah so in past many of Jehovah's people incorrectly thought that Jesus returned in 1914. We bring a heart of wisdom when we say that since 1914 the John class has been announcing the imminent arrival of Jesus Christ...

  • steve2

    I can't imagine what the articles would be about, but peppered throughout the special 2014 issue will be several statements expresing the following sentiment:

    "Sadly, even some of those who devoted decades of their life to fulltime bearing witness to the kingdom, have ended up rejecting the truth, choosing not to wait on Jehovah, and falling victim to the sin of thinking for themselves."

    I remember reading this kind of twaddle when I was a kid back in the 1960s and a variation on this recurs every so often in the Watchtower.

    One thing's for sure: Whatever crap is in that special issue, the writer's will have a ready stock of tired, sententious phrases ready to use.

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