Any One here interested in History??

by general 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Clam

    Yes I love history and watch the History Channel a lot. All history interests me but my favourite eras have to be:

    Ancient Greece during the Peloponnesian Wars

    England at the time of the Plantagenets and then during the Napoleonic Wars


    19th Century US.

    One day I hope they have a History Channel documentary about the WTS and its downfall, rather in the same way as they do with the Nazis.

  • Terry

    History is my favorite subject!

    It was always my goal to be able to start at the beginning of recorded history and trace the entire scope of human endeavor throughout all time.

    A huge task!

    I have learned to be careful in my reading.

    I break each book I read down four ways:

    1.What is the author's agenda? Is it ideological? Is it apologetic? Is it academic? What is the trend of the author's thinking in his/her other works?

    2.What problem is the author trying to solve in presenting the material? Is there a "hook" on which the presentation hangs which must be proved?

    3.What are the sources and how are these sources presented?

    4.Can I sum up the book's point of view after reading it on a cogent and transparent sentence or two?

    Religious history is, of course, my speciality in reading.

    I just read the book ONE NATION UNDER GODS A History of the Mormon Church by Richard Abanes

    This book is about 650 pages suffused with notes, references, photographs, reproductions and precise discussions of events.

    I was astounded at what I learned reading this book! I had no idea what bloody murders were committed by Mormons in their history. I am ashamed of myself for only thinking of them in terms of dogma.

    History is a very important subject. It is often handled poorly.


  • greendawn

    I am deeply into the two world wars and when I was in France I travelled around to visit some old battlefields eg in Normandy for D day etc Verdun for the first world war and many more. At the Verdun ex battlefield there isn't a square metre of ground that is not cratered outside the roads and the car parks, over 60 million shells fell in that area.

    I loved the film Private Ryan because the weapons and uniforms in it were historically accurate with few exceptions.

  • Brigid

    I have always been a civil war history buff. It was more like an obsession in my teenage years. I'm pretty sure I had a karmically interesting life in that era that I've been trying hard to work off.

    My husband is a revolutionary war buff. He's written a book on it. And wants to move me to the east coast where he can do research. Yikes!!


  • stillajwexelder

    Yes I am a History fanatic - The Reformation is my favorite period of history.

  • MuadDib

    I am a history major and I really enjoy reading and learning about all eras of history in all different places. I specialize in Classical Greece and Ancient Rome, especially the military side of things, but I also really enjoy Japanese, European, and 20th-century world history.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Yep - another history fan here! If I had a tv I'd probably enjoy the History Channel

    I especially like ancient history and also researching the two World Wars - I'd dearly love to visit the battlefields (I'm green with envy at greendawn!).

    I'm studying Church history as part of my theology degree at the moment. When I got to the Middle Ages (c.600-1500), I thought it was going to be really boring but I found it better than I thought - it's amazing how much politics was involved! I'm currently onto the Reformation and am again being surprised by how little I knew about it!

  • Leolaia

    History is my central interest.

    I am mostly interested in ancient Near Eastern history, religious history, the colonization of the Caribbean and the transatlantic slave trade, and the colonial history of the Pacific. You can add to that the history of the WTB&TS...

  • freedomlover

    I LOVE history! I pretty much love all of it, any time period. We have tons of old journals from my great grandparents and tons of old pictures and family trees. I love history about my heritage. I am for sure a History Channel junkie!

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