My small but hopefully mighty note to the newspaper

by merfi 12 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • outnfree

    Yay for you, merfi!

    I am so thankful that I donated blood once (and attempted to a few more times, but have lousy veins!) after I left the JWs. My children donate, but since my diagnosis with breast cancer I can no longer help in this way. Bless you and those who can and DO!

  • unclebruce

    It's beautifully written merfi

    Informative, succinct and up-beat so the reader comes away feeling good.

    good luck, unc.

  • inbyathread

    Congratulations. I gave blood when I was younger and I also stopped for a time due to religious pressures from so-called leaders. I recently gave again and the Nurse and I had a wonderful conversation about religion, JW's and their high control methods.

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