Easter time and chocolate

by JH 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • delilah

    this is my very favorite easter bunny....YUM YUM....

  • misspeaches

    A few years ago now Australia started having Easter Bilbies instead of Easter Bunnys. Heres a picture of one

  • JH

    That Easter Bilbie, looks like an ancestor of mine

  • delilah

    You're right, JH....in fact, he could be your brother....eeewwwww....don't think i could eat a bilby...

  • rebel8

    In my JW days, we used to get up really early and be at the store when it opened the day after Easter, to buy up all the supplies of half priced Easter candy b4 heading out into FS. I've always bought Easter candy....b4 and after the holiday. It's just more fun afterwards b/c I get to stock my freezer!

  • anewme

    Rebel 8, I was wondering if anyone was going to mention that....witnesses rushing to the stores to buy day after holiday treats.

  • POs Son
    POs Son

    Its funny that JWs will toss the "sacred" wine and unleavened bread used at the Memorial and not eat it afterwards, but will gladly eats gobs and gobs of leftover holiday candy / turkey on sale / cheap spiral hams. Just an observation.

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