any one here gay

by alexjen 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hellrider

    I`m not gay, but: Maybe it would be best if you kept a low profile on your sexuality until you`re old enough to go away to college/school or something like that. Either way, you`re going to have to live under your parents` roof for a couple of more years, at least. If you come out now, things might get really weird. Bible studies and crap like that, aspiring young MS`s "studying" with you to teach you about how "bad" homosexuality is. You don`t want that. I`d keep a low profile if I was you. Then move out as soon as you`re 18 (and whatever you do, don`t get baptised), and live your life.

  • liquidsky

    I am not gay but WELCOME! Enjoy your stay.


  • ballistic

    I'm not gay. Can I tell you a really funny story?

    I arranged to meet my friend at a bar on the outskirts of town. When I arrived he wasn't there. So I sat there drinking and smoking at the bar. Have you ever ended up in a bar on your own? You tend to drink and smoke really quick. I think I'd downed two pints in about half an hour. This was before the days of mobile phones - oh how I loved the uncertainty of those days. A man came over and offered me to sit at his table and offered me a cigarette. There were two really nice ladies at his table, so, of course I accepted.

    We all chatted a bit, I have no idea what about, but I'm sure it was bloody interesting. I was trying to crack onto the ladies but as usuall had about as much chance of making an impression as Stephen Hawking in a power cut.

    As the night came to an end and my friend never showed, he said, "do you wanna come back to mine and smoke some dope?" - And I presumed he meant the ladies as well, so I said "yeah ok".

    The ladies took a right turn, we took a left, hell, what's going on now I thought, but I was a bit drunk.

    I sat down on his couch. Now remember I had just left the JWs and was a very innocent lad back then. He pulls up a duvet from no-where and pulls it over us and started taking my boots off.

    Hell NO!!!! I jumped up and ran to the door. And I said "SORRY I HAVE TO GO" The realisation that I had just been "pulled" set in. Boy was my heart racing - I was petrified. I've never ran so fast home. And I just thought he was being nice!

  • MsMcDucket

    Ballistic, what's a "duvet"?

  • MsMcDucket

    Hi alexjen, I'm not gay, but I have a sister whose name is "Gay"; and I have a brother that's gay.

  • jstalin

    LOL Ballistic

    Duvet = comforter in the US.

  • serendipity

    Poor ballistic - what a shock!

    Hi alexjen, welcome to the forum!

    You're in a tough situation and it must be hard to handle. I understand the convenience and possibilities the internet affords, but please be careful, and please don't meet any internet friends when you're alone There are predators out there. I tell my 17 year old daughter the same thing, so it's just a general warning I feel I have to give you.

  • ballistic

    Hey yes a duvet is bed linen like a fluffy blanket. Hell I know I'm gunna regret telling this story. But as long as you got a laugh out of it.

  • bikerchic

    One of the most intersting times in my life was the six months I lived at a gay friends house I rented a room from him and he was an absolutely wonderful guy! This was also in the first year of my exit from the B'org.

    I was a bit on tough times and was so very happy to have such a comfy beautiful home to live in and at a price I could afford. Close to downtown, swimming pool safe neighborhood and a guy to protect me! Like I said I was very happy and I didn't think about how this must look to all my JW family, LOL. Well if that didn't clue them in on me truly leaving the B'org I don't know what would. I remember telling my Mom I was moving in with a guy, I heard her jaw hit the phone! Me backpeddaling, "but Mom he's gay so it's okay!" Oy vay!

  • KW13

    went to a bar with my aunt called cayotes..SHOULD OF KNOWN really. The folks were really nice but one wanted a game of pool. Only after the match was i told about the fact it was a gay bar lol.

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