Re: Trinity confusing ?

by A Paduan 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan
    I don't know just being philosophical about it. I wasn't brought up Catholic, it's hard for me to understand totally

    and entering the house (themself) they found Jesus with His mother Mary and they fell down and worshiped him

  • inquirer

    Worship has more than one meaning (and I have researched this), like when we call the judge "your worship." But it doesn't mean we worship the judge.

    wor•ship Pronunciation: (wûr'ship), [key]n., v., -shiped, -ship•ing or (esp. Brit.) -shipped, -ship•ping.

    1. reverent honor and homage paid to God or a sacred personage, or to any object regarded as sacred.
    2. formal or ceremonious rendering of such honor and homage: They attended worship this morning.
    3. adoring reverence or regard: excessive worship of business success.
    4. the object of adoring reverence or regard.
    5. (cap.) Brit.a title of honor used in addressing or mentioning certain magistrates and others of high rank or station (usually prec. by Your, His, or Her).

    1. to render religious reverence and homage to.
    2. to feel an adoring reverence or regard for (any person or thing).

    1. to render religious reverence and homage, as to a deity.
    2. to attend services of divine worship.
    3. to feel an adoring reverence or regard.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Do you think 'worship' is the focus of the saying ?

  • Undecided

    To have a concept of a trinity you need to believe the bible to be from God. I have no need for a trinity teaching since I don't think the bible is a God book, only a man made book. God is also a man made idea, at least to me he is. I have never seen any kind of prof that he exist. If you have any please send it to me.

    Ken P.

  • mdb
    Well why don't people pray and call "God" Jesus? I've never heard people address him as Jesus, only as Lord or God...
    I've never heard people say "Oh Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit" when addressing God either!

    I pray to God the Father, to Jesus, and to the Spirit. I'm sure if you've grown up in the Kingdom Hall, you'd never hear it. They would probably think you had gone out of your mind since you should only offer up your prayers to God and they don't believe that Jesus or the Spirit are God (unfortunately).

  • mdb
    God is also a man made idea, at least to me he is. I have never seen any kind of prof that he exist. If you have any please send it to me.

    Look out your back door. Who do you think made the trees, or the birds of the air? Who made the air you breath and determined it should be? Who made you in the womb - the intricate body of flesh you dwell in - and your mind that processes more information more quickly than all the computers put together that man has ever made? What other proof do you need that God exists? Man is without excuse.

  • fjtoth


    If a Christian is getting good solid answers by praying to the Father as Jesus taught, why should he or she feel the need to pray to anyone other than the Father?

    If prayers to the Father are not being answered, why would one think that he or she could do better by offering prayers to someone else?

  • ColdRedRain

    I think the flying spaghetti monster made all of those. There is as much proof that the flying spaghetti monster exists as much as Yahweh exists.


  • ellderwho
    If prayers to the Father are not being answered, why would one think that he or she could do better by offering prayers to someone else?

    Maybe they are answered. I suppose theres a 50% chance of the answer being No.

  • inquirer


    If a Christian is getting good solid answers by praying to the Father as Jesus taught, why should he or she feel the need to pray to anyone other than the Father?

    If prayers to the Father are not being answered, why would one think that he or she could do better by offering prayers to someone else?

    Mmmmmm, but Muslims offer prayers to Allah. Some people consider it to be the same God as the Jewish and Christian God, but others disagree and they look at how different the stories of God in the Koran are! But they feel they get their prayers answered too! They claim this Mohammed (in which they always right 110% without fail peace be upon him, PBUH or whatever, yada, yada, yada in Arabic.......) bloke saw some angel called Gabriel. In Acts there was a riot in Ephesus over "Artemsis of the Ephesians" god. There are some people who still worship Zeus and feel they get their prayers answered too! But of course, Paul would say it's inspired expressions of demons, can't remember the Scripture, but you know what I mean. This Joe Smith blokereckons he saw an angel as well and wrote many upon many Scriptures (they actually get a continued "inspiration" from the leading "stake" division in Utah.)

    Some people either make religions or make huge claims of seeing an angel or received a revelation, and some religions might plagerise a bit a long the way. Ring a bell? ;)

    Most people stick with their own religions they were brought up with and think that is right and don't bother to look into "the true religion," whatever that is. But if you are living in a democratic country, there is no excuse anymore with this this multicultural Global world, the Internet... we bump into heaps of people who worship all kinds of gods and so people should investigate more like what I did and see what's out there! Believe it or not, I tried out Mormonism... I went to a few of their meetings but didn't feel right with me. I only went because I never heard of these people before and they seemed sincere... I've almost considered being Catholic once and went to a Buddhist hall and went inside a Mosque as well.

    One main excuse religions say why you get answers even though it's the right religion as I've said is because you are dealing with a "demon god" and Satan is tricking you.

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