Watchtower Promotes Creationism and Contradicts Itself!!!

by SickofLies 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • SickofLies

    Charles Darwin's theory of evolution has been prevalent for a century and a half. Some educated people may have expected that by now, belief in God would be banished to the realm of the ignorant, the gullible, and the naive. Nothing of the kind has happened. Many scientists openly profess belief in a Creator. Granted, they may not believe in a personal God or in the Bible. Yet, they are convinced that the design evident in nature requires an intelligent Designer.

    Can such scientists be dismissed as naive? Reporting on scientists who believe that intelligent design is responsible for our cosmos and life in it, a book review in The New York Times comments: "They have Ph.D.'s and occupy positions at some of the better universities. The case they make against Darwinism does not rest on the authority of Scripture; rather, it proceeds from premises that are scientific."

    The same article also notes that proponents of intelligent design "do not stake any obviously foolish claims. . . . What they deny is that the standard Darwinian theory, or any other 'naturalistic' theory that confines itself to mindless, mechanical causes operating gradually over time, suffices to explain the whole of life. The biological world, they contend, is rife with evidence of intelligent design—evidence that points with near certainty to the intervention of an Intelligent Designer."

    Proponents of intelligent design do not stake any obviously foolish claims? HA!!! Perhaps they missed the ball on this one but proponents of ID also believe in a literal 6 days of creation for the earth and the univerise, an idea the WTS rejects!

    For example, when we understand that the Bible uses the term "day" to represent various periods of time, we see that the account of the six creative days in Genesis need not conflict with the scientific conclusion that the age of the earth is about four and a half billion years. According to the Bible, the earth existed for an unstated period before the creative days began. (See the box "The Creative Days—24 Hours Each?") Even if science corrects itself and suggests a different age for our planet, the statements made in the Bible still hold true. Instead of contradicting the Bible, science in this and many other cases actually provides us with voluminous supplemental information about the physical world, both present and past.

    Creationist make the foolish claim that one life form has never been observed to give rise to another is simply untrue. Darwin himself used the analogy of variation under domestication, and we have numerous examples of species and varieties that are in domestication and differ from heir known progenitors.

    Creationist claim evolution is a usless theory! Indeed I cannot think of any claim made by a creationist that isn't foolish!

    Yet another contradiction brought to light!

  • VM44

    Here is the article from The New York Times that the Watchtower quotes. --VM44

    The New York Times

    April 14, 2002

    'Intelligent Design Creationism and Its Critics': Supernatural Selection


    In the last decade or so, creationism has grown sophisticated. Oh, the old-fashioned creationists are still around, especially in the Bible Belt. They're the ones who believe that the earth is only a few thousand years old, that God created it and all its inhabitants in six days and that fossils are a product of Noah's flood. In the early 1990's, however, a new breed of creationists appeared. These ''neo-creos,'' as they have been called, are no Dogpatch hayseeds. They have Ph.D.'s and occupy positions at some of the better universities. The case they make against Darwinism does not rest on the authority of Scripture; rather, it proceeds from premises that are scientific and philosophical, invoking esoteric ideas in molecular biology, information theory and the logic of hypothesis testing.

    When the neo-creos go public -- as they did recently in a hearing before the Ohio Board of Education, which they were petitioning for equal time in the classroom with Darwinism -- they do not stake any obviously foolish claims. They concede that the earth is billions of years old, and that some evolution may have taken place once the basic biochemical structures were brought into being. What they deny is that the standard Darwinian theory, or any other ''naturalistic'' theory that confines itself to mindless, mechanical causes operating gradually over time, suffices to explain the whole of life. The biological world, they contend, is rife with evidence of intelligent design -- evidence that points with near certainty to the intervention of an Intelligent Designer.

    ''Intelligent Design Creationism and Its Critics'' is a great fat collection of essays, some three dozen in all, that examine this thesis from every imaginable angle. Its editor, the philosopher Robert T. Pennock, has himself written a book opposing the neo-creos (''Tower of Babel,'' 1999), and he admits that his selection here is stacked against them by about two to one. Yet most of the major proponents of intelligent design are represented: Phillip E. Johnson, a law professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and the father of the movement; the biochemist Michael J. Behe; the mathematician William A. Dembski; and the philosopher of logic Alvin Plantinga. They are given the chance not only to present their reasoning but also to defend it against their more prominent Darwinian critics, including the biologists Stephen Jay Gould and Richard Dawkins and the philosophers of science Philip Kitcher and Michael Ruse. The debate ranges freely over genetics, theology, the history of science and the theory of knowledge. The rhetoric is spirited, if sometimes barely civil, and the to-and-fro of ideas can be impressive.

    Before we get to the scientific arguments of the neo-creos, a word should be said about their motivation. Just what do they have against Darwinism? Unlike the old-fashioned creationists, they are not especially worried about evolution conflicting with a literal reading of Genesis. Then why can't they join with the mainstream religions, which have made their peace with Darwinism? In 1996, for example, Pope John Paul II said that the theory of evolution had been ''proved true'' and asserted its consistency with Roman Catholic doctrine. Stephen Jay Gould, though agnostic himself, salutes the wisdom of this papal pronouncement, arguing that science and religion are ''nonoverlapping magisteria.'' But the neo-creos aren't buying this. They think that belief in Darwinism and belief in God are fundamentally incompatible. Here, ironically, they are in agreement with their more radical Darwinian opponents. Both extremes concur that evolution is, in the words of Phillip Johnson, ''a purposeless and undirected process that produced mankind accidentally'' and, as such, must be at odds with the idea of a purposeful Creator.

    The neo-creos are right to think that evolution is not religiously neutral. If nothing else, it undercuts what has traditionally been the most powerful argument for God's existence, the ''argument from design.'' No longer is the God hypothesis required to explain the intricate complexity of the living world. Christian intellectuals who accept Darwinism insist that evolution still leaves ample scope for a Creator-God, one who got the universe rolling in just the right way so that, by sheer chemistry and physics, beings like us would inevitably appear without further supernatural meddling. Ernan McMullin, a philosopher of science at Notre Dame who also happens to be a Catholic priest, argues that the resources of God's original creation ''were sufficient for the generation of the successive orders of complexity that make up our world.'' (Another contributor wonders whether the creationist idea of divine action hasn't been ''unduly affected by the 'special effects' industry.'') But this deistic notion of God holds little appeal for the neo-creos. They remain vexed that, as Richard Dawkins pointedly observes, ''Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist.''

    To regain the advantage for religion, the neo-creos have devised a two-part strategy. First, they try to establish their intelligent-design theory as the only alternative to Darwinism for explaining life. (The content of intelligent design is deliberately left vague: it can mean either creation by the designing agent or purposefully ''guided'' evolution.) Then they proceed negatively, deploying various arguments to show that Darwinian mechanisms could not possibly do the trick. The logic of this strategy is impeccable: Either Darwinism or intelligent design. Not Darwinism. Therefore, intelligent design. Armed with that conclusion, they hope to pry scientifically minded people away from a purely secular worldview.

    AT the moment, there is no serious scientific rival to Darwinism. Indeed, if the explanation for the origin and complexity of life must be sought in physical mechanisms, then an evolutionary theory of some sort would seem to be inevitable. But why, the neo-creos ask, should other sorts of explanations -- those positing intelligent causes, supernatural interventions -- be ruled out by fiat? To do so betrays a commitment to ''metaphysical naturalism,'' the doctrine that nature is a system of material causes and effects sealed off from outside influences; and that, they say, is a matter of faith, not proof. But the Darwinians have a devastating retort to the charge of metaphysical naturalism: nothing succeeds like success. As Michael Ruse points out, modern science's refusal to cry miracle when faced with explanatory difficulties has yielded ''fantastic dividends.'' Letting divine causes fill in wherever naturalistic ones are hard to find is not only bad theology -- it leaves you worshiping a ''God of the gaps'' -- but it is also a science-stopper.

    Besides, the evidence for Darwinism looks awfully strong. Yes, there are internal disagreements over the mechanisms and tempo of evolution. But the core thesis that all living things have a common ancestry, long supported by the pattern of structural similarities among them and by the fossil record, has received stunning new confirmation from molecular genetics. Johnson does his lawyerly best to cast doubt on the evidence for common ancestry. However, the more tough-minded of the neo-creos are willing to accept the historical claim that organisms evolved from one another. They even acknowledge a role for the standard Darwinian mechanism (natural selection operating on random variation) in the process. To make good on the second part of their strategy, the Not Darwinism part, they instead try to show that for deeper reasons Darwinism is bound to fall short of telling the whole story. They have three main arguments, all of which seem clever at first blush.

    Michael Behe attacks Darwinism at the molecular level, recapitulating the case he made in his 1996 book, ''Darwin's Black Box.'' If you peer inside a cell, Behe says, you see wonderfully intricate little machines, made out of proteins, that carry on the functions necessary for life. They are so precisely engineered that they exhibit what he calls ''irreducible complexity'': alter or remove a single part and the whole thing would grind to a halt. How could such cellular machinery have evolved in piecemeal fashion through a series of adaptations, as Darwinism holds?

    Alvin Plantinga makes a philosophical assault on Darwinism, claiming that it is self-undermining. Suppose the Darwinian theory of evolution were true. Then, Plantinga submits, our mental machinery, having developed from that of lower animals, would be highly unreliable when it came to generating true theories. (As it happens, Darwin himself once confessed to the same ''horrid doubt'' about his theory in a letter: ''Would anyone trust in the convictions of a monkey's mind?'') In other words, if our belief in Darwinism were true, then none of our theoretical beliefs would be reliable -- including our belief in Darwinism. Theism, by contrast, escapes this difficulty: if we are made in the image of God, the ultimate knower, then divine providence can be counted on to have supplied us with reliable cognitive faculties.

    William Dembski bases his anti-Darwinian argument on what he calls ''the law of conservation of information.'' Our DNA contains a wealth of complex information, he observes. How did it get there? Natural causes can't be responsible. For natural causes comprise only chance and necessity; and, he purports to show, neither chance nor necessity, nor any combination of the two, can create information. Therefore, the origin of genetic information ''is best sought in intelligent causes.''

    SEEING how the Darwinians go about rebutting these arguments makes for high intellectual entertainment. To counter Behe's irreducible complexity argument, they give a fascinating account of how proteins that originally evolved for one function can be co-opted by the cell for another; through such ''exaptation,'' complicated cellular machinery can be built up in a gradual Darwinian way. How about Plantinga's argument that Darwinism is self-undermining? That is met by a subtle exploration of issues in the theory of knowledge -- in particular, the evolutionary relationship between true belief and successful action. As for Dembski's ''information theory'' argument, this turns out to be the old and discredited claim that ''Darwinism can't explain complexity'' dressed up in fancy -- but misleading -- mathematical language.

    Despite the ingenuity of the neo-creos, the Not Darwinism part of their strategy is pretty clearly a failure. And they have another problem, which might be labeled Not intelligent design. If nature were fashioned by a hands-on Divine Artificer, it ought to exhibit a certain elegance and efficiency. Then what of all the imperfections

    we see in the biological world? Why are organisms burdened with maladaptive features like the webbed feet of the frigate bird, which does not need them for paddling? Why is our genome littered with nonfunctional junk DNA? Why have 99.99 percent of the species that have ever existed gone extinct -- including the poor dinosaurs, created only to be wiped out by an errant asteroid? As Gould remarks, ''Odd arrangements and funny solutions are the proof of evolution -- paths that a sensible God would never tread but that a natural process, constrained by history, follows perforce.''

    If the proponents of intelligent design had carried their case, it would have amounted to a slam-dunk for theism. With Darwin, you remain free to believe or disbelieve in God, just as you like. But have the neo-creos at least made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled creationist? On the evidence of this volume, not quite.

    Jim Holt writes a column about philosophy and science for

  • Narkissos

    I still remember an astounding "anti-creationist" series in Awake! (March 8 & 22, 1983). The writer's trick was (arbitrarily enough) limiting the label of "creationism" (and "fundamentalism") to the tenants of a literal reading of Genesis 1, implying a creation of the universe in 6 24-h days about 6,000 years ago, as a scientific theory. The writers poked shameless fun at such a view, as if their interpretation of the text (creation of all earthly forms of life, vegetal and animal, in less than 40,000 years by the rule of 7,000-y days which the WT held back then, and never officially dropped since even though it is not mentioned anymore), equally read as factual, was any less scientifically ludicrous.

    Here is an excerpt of one delightful article in the March, 8 issue:

    Creationism’sFaults Exposed

    It was this aspect of the creationists’ thesis, tied to their doctrine of recent creation, that got the spotlight in the trial and in the news about it. Their teaching that the earth and even the universe are less than 10,000 years old contradicts all the findings of modern science. They are so far out of step that they invite ridicule from scientists.

    Geologists can point to their measurements of geologic processes that extend far beyond that narrow time frame. Ocean sediments have accumulated over far more than 10,000 years. The time to build mountains and wear them down is measured in millions of years. For continents to drift apart and form oceans takes hundreds of millions of years. To say that all of this goes back only 10,000 years is simply absurd in the eyes of geologists.

    Astronomers are equally outraged. They are accustomed to think not only of planetary cycles that take days or years but also of long aeons of time for stars and galaxies to form. They deal with such vast distances that even light, traveling at 186,000 miles (300,000 km) a second, takes billions of years to reach their telescopes. They estimate the distance to the Magellanic Clouds in the southern skies, our nearest neighboring galaxy, to be over 100,000 light-years. If this were created only 10,000 years ago, as the creationists hold, we would still be waiting 90,000 years for the first glimmer of light from it to reach us. In the northern hemisphere, on a dark night good eyes can make out the Andromeda nebula, the light of which takes 1,500,000 years to reach us. Obviously it must have been there longer than that. No wonder the American Astronomical Society went on record in January with a resolution applauding the Arkansas decision.

    Physicists also protest that it is impossible to squeeze their studies into a time span of a mere 10,000 years. They point to radioactive elements like uranium and thorium that have lives measured in billions of years. The accumulation of distinctive isotopes of lead, which are the end products of radioactive decay, shows that some of the oldest rocks in the earth’s crust must have lain undisturbed for as much as 3 or 4 billion years. And their interpretation of the red-shifted light from distant galaxies, out at the edge of the visible universe, sets its beginning from 10 to 20 billion years ago.

    Is This Science?

    How can creationists reconcile such evidence with their dogma that everything started just a few thousand years ago? When God created the rocks with uranium in them, did he also put in the right amount of the special isotopes of lead that would make them look a billion years old? When he made the Andromeda galaxy, did he also fill the path to the earth with light waves, all along its 10 thousand million billion (10,000,000,000,000,000,000) miles, so we would not have to wait to see it in the sky? Would the God of truth purposely insert such illusions in his creation just to deceive us?

    Such reasoning reminds one of the story told of the little old Fundamentalist lady who was being shown through the Dinosaur National Monument in Utah. She did not believe the park ranger’s speech about the huge reptiles that had once lived there and whose fossilized bones she was seeing. She offered another explanation for them: "The Lord put them there to fool you."

    Speaking of dinosaurs, where do they fit into the creationists’ scheme of things? In their view, human beings and dinosaurs and every other kind of animal, extinct or extant, lived on earth at the same time before the Flood. They were all swept away together in a grand mélange by the Floodwaters. How, then, do they account for the orderly sequence of fossils in sedimentary rocks, starting with simple forms of life in the lower strata and followed by increasingly diverse and complex creatures in higher strata? They can only offer a set of implausible and contradictory theories as to how all kinds of plants and animals could have been sorted out of the potpourri of carcasses and laid down in separate layers.

    Trying to defend their arbitrary structure of "creation science" with such weak, strained hypotheses, they were soundly rebutted by the scientists’ testimony at Little Rock. They were left without any credible claim to being scientific.

    Creationism Discredited

    The best-known scientist who testified for the creationists was Chandra Wickramasinghe, who was brought from Wales to appear at the trial. He and the British astronomer Fred Hoyle have advanced an unorthodox theory that rejects the doctrine that life evolved on earth. They say that life started in outer space and fell to earth on comets or meteorites. He testified that the complexity of genetic patterns makes it impossible for them to have formed by chance. So, he concludes, they must have been designed by an intelligent Creator. But his testimony boomeranged on the creationists when he said that no rational scientist could believe the earth is less than a million years old.

    Based on the testimony given, both by the challengers and the defenders of the law, the judge could hardly do otherwise than find that creationism is not scientific. It was clearly exposed that its proponents do not arrive at conclusions by the scientific method of gathering all the evidence and then fitting it to a hypothesis . Instead, they start with a fixed sectarian interpretation of Genesis and seek evidence to support that. Contrary evidence they try to ignore, or, when they cannot, they invent unlikely explanations for the evident conflict with hard facts. The Arkansas law was an ill-advised effort to get their views of creation into the public-school curriculum.

  • SickofLies
    AT the moment, there is no serious scientific rival to Darwinism. Indeed, if the explanation for the origin and complexity of life must be sought in physical mechanisms, then an evolutionary theory of some sort would seem to be inevitable. But why, the neo-creos ask, should other sorts of explanations -- those positing intelligent causes, supernatural interventions -- be ruled out by fiat? To do so betrays a commitment to ''metaphysical naturalism,'' the doctrine that nature is a system of material causes and effects sealed off from outside influences; and that, they say, is a matter of faith, not proof.

    HA! Good work VM44, another example of the WTS using 'quote mining' to support their position. Such tactics are inherently dishonest in nature as the article clearly doesn't put out a positive case for creationism.

    Narkissos, indeed, the WTS believes that they are somehow authorities when it comes to science. They frequently use scientific 'facts' in there articles that are either out of date, out of context or just plain wrong. I can tell you how many talks I've had to sit though in agony as speakers abuse science to try and promote their own views on the bible. At the same time they are promoting science, they discredit it when it comes to areas they disagree with. They have to contradict themselves if they put down creationism because they themselves are promoters of it.

  • FairMind
    Proponents of intelligent design do not stake any obviously foolish claims? HA!!! Perhaps they missed the ball on this one but proponents of ID also believe in a literal 6 days of creation for the earth and the univerise, an idea the WTS rejects!

    I am a proponent of Intelligent Design and I don't believe that the earth and all its' life was created in six literal days. So, your statement is dogmatically incorrect.

  • cyberguy


    They dropped the creative-day = 7,000 years, when a friend of mine, an editor for the “Aid,” then “Insight” volumes, made know to WT-officials that this understanding was based on the same Jewish “scholars” that were responsible for the Kabbalah. My friend said that this put the fear of God in them, and they became frightened! Thereafter, they only refer to the creative days in terms of “thousands of years,” and have opted not to explain why they’ve dropped the theory that the creative-day = 7,000 years!

  • SickofLies
    I am a proponent of Intelligent Design and I don't believe that the earth and all its' life was created in six literal days. ; So, your statement is dogmatically incorrect.

    Well the term Intelligent Design can mean a lot of things, it can apply to humans creating cars. But when refered to creationists the definition generally refers to schools of thought like ICR ans other such institutes that promote a 6 literal days creation peroid.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    oh ya man, the WTS are morons about biology. well, actually, if they backed down on creationism, their entire doctrine would fall apart. jesus, they have it so tightly wound up.

    it always amazes me, people who are SO PISSED at the WTS for lying to them, and they are gonna damn-well apostasize against the WTS!! well, everything except creationism.

    it's like, wake up people! they fuckin lied to you about that too! it's like saying: "i hate the WTS!!! but, they are cool with biology." HA!


  • AlmostAtheist

    >>But when refered to creationists the definition generally refers to schools of thought like ICR ans other such institutes that promote a 6 literal days creation peroid.

    I'm definitely not an ID'er, but those folks aren't even necessarily Christian. So I don't think the literal 6 days bit applies to ID. Do you have a source suggesting that it does?

    Personally, when I look at a painted landscape, I think it's pretty. But somebody DREW it pretty. When I look at a REAL landscape, I'm awestruck because nobody drew it, it just IS. Thinking of life as "just is" makes it all the better, in my opinion.


  • osmosis

    This is interesting.

    Yet another example of the WTS aligning itself with those who have similar agendas, namely, the destruction of science. It apparently doesn't matter if they have the exact same beliefs, as long as their ultimate goal is compatible. Just like when they "befriended" swaggart in his quest to not pay tax.

    Poli-sci 101.

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