Restart your life?

by mariposa 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • mariposa

    This is geared more to you guys who found the truth later in life...unless ya'll can remember those happy times back in the womb.

    I've been thinking alot lately about where I was and what I was doing before I became a witness. Granted it was one of the most horrible times of my life, but I could have figured out a better way to deal than become a baptised dub.

    I had been planning on hiking the Appalachain Trail, had some of my gear, plans, etc. and dropped it for the promise the paradise. I had been wanting to hike that sucker since the first time I read about it in a book. I thought about it all the time but there where always bigger and better things to spreading the good news. I even reasoned once...hey, I could still go, I could just witness to everyone I meet along the way, whatever...

    Now, it seems like a dream thrown out the window for nothing. I've got obligations that would make it way too difficult to do. Sometimes I wish I could go back and relive everything over again. I know I'd be a better person for it.

    I'm curious to know if any of you have felt the same where you wanted to go back and restart your life and did you?

  • trevor

    I guess we all have regrets.

  • Finally-Free

    Yes, I have my regrets. I joined the cult when I was 25 and wasted the best years of my life. Pioneered™, married a pioneer™, never had kids. Now I'm out of the cult, out of the marriage, in poor health, too old to start a family, so I'll likely die alone one day. But at least I'm free.


  • RubaDub

    My "restart" is a finger in the nose, one in the mouth and a thumb up the butt.

    It's like [Alt] [Ctrl] [Del] for the body.

    Rub a Dub

  • Finally-Free
    My "restart" is a finger in the nose, one in the mouth and a thumb up the butt.

    It's like [Alt] [Ctrl] [Del] for the body.

    Ok, I'm trying it but nothing is happening. Is there another step to this process? Please hurry! It's hard typing with my nose, and my coworkers think I'm crazy!


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