The KKK and NAACP are NGOs!

by AuldSoul 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AuldSoul

    Did I get your attention? I hope so. An error in statement regarding NGOs is being used to discredit those who have legitimate grievances with the blatant hypocrisy of the leadership of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    The KKK (Ku Klux Klan) is actually an NGO, despite the fact that the UN would never permit the Ku Klux Klan to join their Department of Public Information.

    Likewise, the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) is an NGO—it is an "organization" and it is "non-governmental" in nature.

    I chose a violent extremist organization and a sharply contrasting organization on purpose. Neither of these organizations are associated to the UN/DPI (United Nations Department of Public Information) as NGOs, although both are unquestionably non-governmental organizations (NGOs). "NGO" is not a status, anymore than "Caucasian," or "Asian," or "Hispanic," or "tall," or "skinny" is a status. NGO is a neutral descriptor of the nature and character of an organization. The term NGO has no connection whatsoever to the UN specifically.

    The important point to focus on is that they became an Associate to the UN/DPI. They joined the UN/DPI as an Associate member and later claim they registered.

    I am sure the WTS delights when we are distracted by the term NGO and try to make more of it than is present. That makes their job easy, they can make us out to be misrepresenters of facts which puts us on an equal footing with them, at best. And since they had "the best of intentions" and simply "made a mistake" they can make us out to be intentional slanderers and persecutors of Jehovah's organization.

    Please get these definitions down well if you intend to speak to anyone about this issue:

    NGO: non-governmental organization, an adjective which describes both the KKK and NAACP. Most NGOs have no connection whatsoever to the UN or its agencies.

    Associate: A membership type which always means a subordinate organization attaching itself in support of a superior organization. There is no way to semantically confuse an associate membership with a registrant/registrar relationship. They could not possibly register with the UN/DPI seeing as how there was no registrar.

    They changed "applied to become an Associate" to "registered" to throw everyone off the scent. From the looks of things, it has largely worked. Most of the posts I see on this issue freely say they "...registered with the UN as an NGO..." or some variation. Anyone who believes that is what happened bought the WTS lie. Hook, line, and sinker. They became an Associate member of the UN/DPI and if there was no Criteria for Association that act (in itself, independent of any other facts) would STILL constitute gross wrongdoing by their own published standards.

    Please speak intelligently and truthfully about this issue. Your loved ones will certainly will find fault with your words if there is fault to be found.


  • unclebruce

    Interesting Auld Soul,

    I believe the UN can and should be a forum reflecting all views repugnant or not. It has always been a meeting of strange and contradictory bedfellows.

    I sympathise with the Palestinian and for that matter the ancient Jesus/Nazarite cause but fantatics of all shades lurk in the shadows of the United Nations as surely as members of Jesus nazarites were very hard men.

    These guys make the Watchtower thugs look like fluff bunnies:

    Mahmoud Abbas recieving the Nazi salute by members of his own PLO Fatah party at a January 4, 2005 election rally.

    George Bush and Ariel Sharon have hailed Abbas’ victory as proof that democracy is possible under Islam.


    This is an Arabic translation of Hitler’s Mein Kampf distributed by Al-Shurouq,

    a Ramallah based book distributor, to East Jerusalem and other PA territories in 2003.


    AS...give a precise terminology that we should use then....


  • AuldSoul

    The WTS was an NGO before they joined the UN/DPI and they are still an NGO now that they have terminated that association. They were an NGO way back when they first incorporated back in the 1800s, although the term "NGO" wasn't in use at the time.

    NGO means non-governmental organization. It doesn't mean anything more or less than that. That is all it ever has meant and all it ever will mean. Every organization that is not governmental, is a non-governmental organization.

    SWALKER, I don't know what you mean about giving you a precise term to use. They were an Associate member of the UN/DPI. If that is what you mean, you'll find it under the definition of Associate in my first post on this thread.

    Calling them an NGO is not an insult, it is a compliment. Being an NGO is perfectly in keeping with their dogma.

    Calling them an Associate member to the UN/DPI is not a compliment, it is an insult. Being an Associate member to the UN/DPI is directly opposed to their doctrine.

    Maybe that answers your question, if not please feel free to ask some followups.


  • unclebruce
    They became an Associate member of the UN/DPI and if there was no Criteria for Association that act (in itself, independent of any other facts) would STILL constitute gross wrongdoing by their own published standards.

    Well asked Walker and well said Auld Soul.

    So Auld Soul, is the correct thing to say: The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society became an associate member of the UN/DPI.

    Could you pleae clarify who is NAACP? (New Age Apple Core Pips?) and who is UN/DPI United Nation / Dope processing industries? (posting oversights easily corrected ;)

    acronym challenged unclebruce ps: even I have heard of the Klu Klux Klan (but in Australia at least, it's customary for a writer to write acronyms out longhand at their first use).

  • AuldSoul

    The KKK and NAACP are NGOs, but they are not part of the UN.

    Quite a few people have somehow gotten the term NGO confused with some automatic connection to the UN or its agencies. That is a mistake and will likely lead to very bad errors in statement if not corrected, errors that could turn away those who would otherwise wake up.

    Really, that is the only reason I care to straighten this out. We need to be three times as careful to speak factually if we want to influence those still under the spell of the Governing Body.


  • AuldSoul

    Sure unclebruce.

    The UN/DPI is the United Nations Department of Public Information. They have an Associate membership class available for non-governmental organizations that grants certain privileges within the UN/DPI (but does not extend special privileges in the UN itself).

    The NAACP is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, which is obviously quite the counterpoint to the organizational objectives of the KKK.

    And your assessment of the most damning way to refer to this relationship between the UN/DPI and the WTS was spot on. There is no wiggle room in that statement, no way to dodge. We have them dead to rights on it, and it doesn't make one damn whit of difference WHAT they did it for. In fact, if it actually was for something as trivial as a library card so much the worse for them.

    *** w84 11/15 p. 12 Do You Appreciate Your Inheritance? ***
    Would You Barter Your Inheritance?
    10 Some 19 centuries later, the apostle Paul used Esau’s example to warn early Christians, saying: “Pursue peace with all people, . . . carefully watching that no one may be deprived of the undeserved kindness of God; . . . that there may be no fornicator nor anyone not appreciating sacred things, like Esau, who in exchange for one meal gave away his rights as firstborn.” Why does Paul here relate a fornicator to Esau’s actions? Because having Esau’s mentality can lead to failure to appreciate sacred things and then to more serious sins, like fornication.—Hebrews 12:14-16.
    11 Are you sometimes tempted to barter your Christian inheritance, everlasting life, for something as transient as a ‘bowl of lentil stew’? Do you, perhaps without realizing it, despise “sacred things”? For example, in recent times some Christians have fallen victim to the modern moral permissiveness. They seem to have Esau’s impatient desire to satisfy a physical craving. Just as he said to Jacob: “Quick, please, give me a swallow of the red,” have they not, in effect, said: ‘Quick! Why wait for honorable marriage?’—Genesis 25:30; compare Genesis 34:1-4.
    12 Thus what has happened? A desire for sexual satisfaction at any price has become their ‘bowl of lentil stew.’ As a result, they have despised sacred things, including their relationship with Jehovah God and Jesus Christ. They have disdained integrity, fidelity and chastity. They have jeopardized their inheritance. However, some of these have later been stirred to genuine repentance and apparently have regained their standing with God.—Compare Psalm 51.

    A library card? For THAT you commit spiritual fornication?


  • unclebruce
    Quite a few people have somehow gotten the term NGO confused with some automatic connection to the UN or its agencies

    Yes, there are some pretty stoopid people out there for sure

    Australia is full of NGO's with no connection whatso ever to the UN or its affiliates. We would find it hard to function without them - many are involved in rebuilding parts of Queensland as we speak. Australian Non Government Organizations like: Wildlife Rescue, the Rural Fire Service, State emergency Service, Volunteer Rescue Organization and many many more (we are a nation of volunteers).

    Now what about the unfamiliar acronyms you've used... please.


  • unclebruce
    The UN/DPI is the United Nations Department of Public Information. They have an Associate membership class available for non-governmental organizations that grants certain privileges within the UN/DPI (but does not extend special privileges in the UN itself).

    The NAACP is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, which is obviously quite the counterpoint to the organizational objectives of the KKK.

    Thanks Auld Soul

    I have heard these before but some days my brain's tired (sorry we cross posted lol)

    happy unc

  • AuldSoul
    The UN/DPI is the United Nations Department of Public Information. They have an Associate membership class available for non-governmental organizations that grants certain privileges within the UN/DPI (but does not extend special privileges in the UN itself).

    The NAACP is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, which is obviously quite the counterpoint to the organizational objectives of the KKK.

    I disclosed these in my most recent post in reply to yours. Perhaps they got crossed up. The custom of spelling out what the acronyms stand for in the first usage is customary in the US as well, I am a tad bleary-eyed from a couple of overly aggressive glasses of Jim Beam which hit me broadside earlier, and accuse the same of dulling my attention to proper forms. My abject-est of apologies.


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