HaPpY sT pAtRiCkS dAy!

by misspeaches 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • misspeaches

    Well its the 17th March Down Under and it's St Patricks Day, and convenitently a Friday. So after work its downstairs to the Irish Pub to participate in the revellarys! (Is that a word?) I love working above an Irish pub!!! Hurrah! Everyone in my section has worn green to work today as well!

    St Patricks Day Greeting:
    Here's to you and yours
    And to mine and ours
    And if mine and ours
    Ever come across to you and yours
    I hope you and yours will do
    As much for mine and ours
    As mine and ours have done
    For you and yours!


    So I'm really talking to you tomorrow??? Have fun!

    Swalker (my head hurts already and I haven't even started drinking )

  • daystar

    W001! That is still tomorrow for us. But without fail I will be at the pub then. Cheers!

  • delilah
  • delilah

    I'm just curious here, can you all see the Lephrechan raising his pint of green beer? or is it just a red x?

  • misspeaches

    Delilah all I see is a red X. Now if it was a green X I'd accept that as a legit piccy for this thread... Now off you toddle and make ammends please.

    (P.S. if your trying to copy a pic from the internet just right click on the pic, select copy from the menu bar, and paste (ctrl+v) into your reply)

  • JH

    Happy St-Patrick's day everyone who can see green....

    I'm kind of colorblind, and green, well..........I don't see that too well....lol

    Probably this beer is green, cause I googled it "green beer", but to me it's plain ordinary coloured beer.

  • misspeaches

    Rat! You can't see green? Oh you poor little thing... That is my FAV colour! (And yes the beer is green!)

  • damselfly

    Green beer is just wrong. Nope not gonna drink it!

    But him? He's adorable.


  • JH
    Rat! You can't see green?

    Well, I see the grass green


    the green traffic lights are white

    this one is white, pure white

    While this one is not white, it ;looks like yellow or green, the way I would imagine it

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