Dateline....Not this week.......

by WildHorses 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • WildHorses

    I was just sitting here thinking about the many times people have asked about the airing of the Dateline segment.

    Well, just a thought. How about this? We can move this post up to the top once a week until the show does finally air. This way people will not ask all the time?


  • Naeblis

    I heard it was on LAST week.

  • Vitameatavegamin

    Hi Lilacs!

    Don't believe we have met yet. Anyway, I for on am looking forward to seeing this Dateline NBC - wondering if it will shake things up a little??

    Hide and watch I guess.

    Nice to meet you Lilacs!



  • WildHorses

    Nice to meet you also,Vitameatavegamin

    I to can't wait for the segment to air. I know all of us want to see the Borg brought to it's knee's but, I just hope that we will all of us try to help any of the jw's who leave the org (if they leave) after they view it. It will cause a lot of confussion for some.


  • TweetieBird

    I myself am waiting with keen anticipation for Dateline to air. However, being the pessimist that I am, I don't think that it will have that much impact on the majority of JW's.

    The reason I say this is because I had a conversation with my mother the other day, who heard that a couple of young sisters were bringing charges against an elder in Kentucky (not sure if she meant criminal or judicial...she's a bit of a ditz and does not always remember her stories). Thinking that this might open up a conversation about pedophilia within the org, I started to bring up that Dateline was going to do a segment on the problem. I didn't get very far because her pre-programmed response was, "Satan sure is working overtime."

    I think that will be the common response to the Dateline program, that Satan is working overtime.

    As we all know, the WTS is already doing damage control, by stating in the August 2001 KM that "Sometimes the media publish reports about the activities of Jehovah's people. While we appreciate good reports that are factual and fair in dealing with our work, we also expect bad reports to be spread by our detractors from time to time. Nevertheless, we must continue recommending ourselves as God's ministers "through bad report and good report." To honesthearted observers it becomes clear that we are the true disciples of Jesus Christ."

    They are getting the R&F ready so that when Dateline does air, the majority will consider it bad reporting. Living deep in the time of the end, they will expect it as part of the persecution they have been told about for 100+ years.

    But, (there's always a but) I do think that a small few, especially victims who have experienced being molested/raped by another witness and then getting molested/raped again by the judicial committee will have their horrible ordeal validated and perhaps find some closure. If they can even get a shread of peace, it will be worth it.

    I truly hope the bad publicity will open the eyes of the witnesses, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up.

    "By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero

  • LovesDubs

    I know Ive said this before...but I believe even the standard JW naysayers will WATCH IT...because they will be out in service the next day or next weekend and if they DIDNT watch it it will be to their detriment to try to defend the Borgs position from total ignorance. Not watching it will be perceived as an admission of guilt or total denial of this problem, and the public DOESNT deal with pedophilia lightly. Even in jail, those who commit pedophilia even in that rank part of society, are held in disdain. They will watch it..just like they watch anything else on the tube that contains mention of their cult.

    "I watched it to see how BADLY they misquoted and mislead people about us!" will be their "excuse" to others who gasp that they watched it. (and those who said they didnt watch it, are lying for fear they werent supposed to watch it...and round and round and round we go)

  • Maximus


    There is a PBS program on Hare Krishna's problems with pedophilia and coverup. Already played in some parts of the country.

    Persons who have watched it say they will never view this group again with anything less than contempt.

    What will be most effected by Dateline is the view of the public, many of whom will never feel the same again about that innocent kookie religion that wakes you up in the morning. Is that smiling guy with the too-short tie and polyester who knocks at your door a pedophile? Is he one of those who choose to cover up child abuse?

    Americans are familiar with child molestation; that story is not new. I suspect they are going to be extremely unforgiving about coverup, failure to care for the child, rather their paranoid concern over protecting God's organization--must be fragile.

    The organization paints apostates as those who like to deceive with smooth talk. Dateline viewers are going to see who the real smooth talkers are, and how they have tried to deceive. Stories of victims will ring true.

    But let's tell it like it is. I know a number of JWs who are actually expecting to hear at the October 7 meeting, when Armageddon is really going to come!


  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hello all:

    I too have big hopes for the outcome of the Dateline report, and am trying to keep a balanced perspective on its effect.

    When I read the "stuff" the WTS is printing in obvious preparation for it, as in the Aug KM, I can see they are doing the usual manipulating with the way they word in:

    While we appreciate good reports that are factual and fair in dealing with our work, we also expect bad reports to be spread by our detractors from time to time

    Equating good reports with "factual and fair" gives the obvious picture of bad reports to be lies and that could very well be how the zealous JW will see the Dateline a "bad report to be spread by our detractors". And to equate rejecting the "bad reports" with being "honesthearted" "true disciples" is a particularly slimy tactic. How arrogant of the WTS to use the same subtle, manipulative tactics they accuse Satan of.

    My blood boils over this because what the WTS is obviously shooting for is that the zealous JWs will overlook all the horrific facts presented and not even see the abuses committed for what they are...crimes...and that the WTS has committed even further crimes with their attitude and heavy-handed tactics.

    I join you all in the deep hope that this will reach the hearts of those who sincerely believe they are doing God's will in "belonging" to the WTS, and that they will see the WTS for what it truly is...not God's organization, prophet, shepherd, FDS, spiritual haven, only hope for salvation....and whatever else it presents itself to be...

    AND that more victims of abusers and/or the WTS will see they are not alone and will feel the strength to come forward. I join others in their belief that this is only the beginning of the weakening of the stronghold of the borg. In my quotation below, just substitute the word "world" with "WTS".

  • zev

    the thoughts of some of you ring so true.


    As we all know, the WTS is already doing damage control

    read that. couldnt believe my eyes when i saw it, and when i get my sept km i expect there will be more of that in there.

    isnt it sad, but true, i used to think those things myself.
    now i have to say, i am getting myself free.


    But let's tell it like it is. I know a number of JWs who are actually expecting to hear at the October 7 meeting, when Armageddon is really going to come!

    tell me this isnt so. is this for real? are dubs really thinking they are going to hear such a thing? i've heard nothing of this in my area, but to be honest, i try to be as numb as i can for 2 hours.
    its almost over. the time for seperation from this nonsence is at hand.

    i hope that at least a few genuine dubs take to heart what is reported. maybe they too, as i did, start to question. start to research. and start to learn.

    then start to think.

    g'day y'all

    -August 8th, 2001 - The day the lambs ROARED.

  • TweetieBird


    I agree completely with your thoughts about the public's perception of JW's after Dateline airs. Those who already have a strong dislike toward the witnesses coming to their doors will be even more hostile. Makes me glad that I do not engage in the field ministry any longer.

    There is a registered sex offender in our local database who is a JW in a neighboring congregation. He has been accused on several occasions by his daughters and niece, as well as non-witnesses. He was on house arrest all the while handling the microphones at the meetings. As far as I know, he is still considered in good standing. It will be interesting to see if the society ever changes their policy about sex-offenders going door-to-door.

    BTW, years ago, my father-in-law served on a judicial committee when this guy was accused by his daughters of molesting them. My father-in-law felt he should have been disfellowshipped but was outnumbered by the other two on the jc, basically because they did not care for this guys wife. Fast forward twenty years, he is still up to his old tricks, and still in good standing. His most recent picture was posted on the database April 2000.

    My initial comments, however, were about how the majority of JW's will react to the segment on Dateline being aired. I do not expect too many to be affected by what is shown. They have been conditioned to view anything negative as coming from Satan.


    "By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero

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