IT'S [going to be] A GIRL!

by dedalus 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • dedalus

    The ultrasound results are in: Foxy and I are going to be having a baby girl, sometime around the end of January!


    I'm just realizing, though, that I know nothing about girls, having grown up with three brothers. Anything I should know?

    Dedalus, prematurely passing out cigars

  • Princess

    I don't know where to begin....

    Congratulations! Girls are great fun...and very expensive.
    I should know, I have one and I am one. I'm also the only girl amongst three brothers, thus the name.


  • AngelofMuZiC


    I hope you have fun raising this little girl....Best wishes and good luck!!

    My Regards,

  • Grunt

    Congratulations. You have a lot of wonderful years ahead for your whole family.

  • WildHorses

    Congratulations on your future baby girl!

    There will be times that you feel like pulling your hair out but, you will never receive greater joy than you are about to experience.

    Little girls tend to love their Daddy's most of all. There is a country song that I heard a while back. I think the title is "Daddy's little girl" although I am not totally sure. It always made me cry. Kinda gives you the gist of what it will be like.

    I am so happy for you!


  • Erin

    Wow--a GIRL! You are going to love being a daddy, Dedalus, and to have a girl first is just the best! The two of you will always have an extra special relationship. Big hugs and congratulations to you and Foxy!!

  • COMF

    Can't help you out with advice, ol' son, but we'll have a see-gar with a pink band around it when the time comes! I had two boys, and I clearly recall being glad that it was my kids camped out on somebody else's doorstep instead of vice versa.

    Congrats to you and the lady doing all the construction!

    COMF, who more than once stood brazenly in the checkout line at 11:30 PM buying a box of Tampons (just, for his lady, not his daughter)

  • Kat_

    Congratulations! I am so happy for you! I have a boy and a girl, and I must also agree that daughter and daddy usually have something special between them. My 21 month old daughter literally sits at the door waiting for her daddy to come home from work! Be warned: prepare to be utterly, completely wrapped around her little finger..but don't worry, you won't notice; and if you do, you won't care.


  • Jang

    Congrats ...... you will love having a little girl .....

    Just think about 2 years from now when she looks at you with those big eyes and says "I wuv oo daddy" .... your heart will melt and from then on she will get away with murder

    And what should you know about little girls ..... they are cute

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  • Tina

    (((((((((((Ded ,Foxy& lil Dedette)))))))))))))))))
    Wonderful news!!
    Don't think there is anything you need to know about 'girls'. With parents like you and Foxy, so very aware and committed to excellence,I think this is a little girl who is going to achieve her greatest potential! Love to all ! Tina

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

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