What is Gods name anyway?

by Shane 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus


    It's a good question that one can attempt to answer in many ways.

    Biblically, sawthelight is correct. Yahweh is the correct pronounciation. You can verify this in the encyclopedia judaeica and the catholic encyclopedia. 'Jehovah' is a later invention by a catholic monk. I forget the date. It could be like only 400 years ago.

    Biblically, yahweh is jesus. This can be seen by comparing isa 44:24 yahweh emphasises that he made everything by himself, with the new testament descriptions of jesus\logos. John 1:1 and coll 1:16 exclaims that jesus made everything. So, the conclusion is very simple.

    If you want to let god out of the bible, so to speak, then consider what francois has stated. Taoism is interesting in its study of 'god'. Tao means 'the way'. This is interesting because the movement that jesus started was also called 'the way'-acts9:2, 19:9, 22:4, 24:14- at first. Paul and his followers came to be called 'christians' first about 40 50 years later-acts11:26. Contrary to popular opinion, jesus did not start christianity.


  • Francois

    Saint Satan, you're right on the money. Jesus did not in fact start christianity, which is a religion about him. He did however, show us the Way, and it - like its god - had no name.

    And apparently the brand of christianity that has evolved came about as a contest between the congregation at Antioch vs the congregation at Jerusalem. I've often wondered what christianity today would have been like had the group at Antioch won that battle.


  • bboyneko
    is bob what your head does when you see a hard dick?
    what an asshole you are! someone asks a sencere question, and you comment with your usual drival. i am totally in awe of your profound knowledge you asshole

    Hey dude, you need to question your beleif system when someone posting a humorous non-serious comment that can easily be ignored causes you such anger as to attack the person with insults. As I have said repeatadly, hurling insults at the poster is an immature and non-productive way to argue your point.

    If you really feel that gods name is amazingly important, then please explain why it is not in the new testament and jesus never spoke his name, even in death. You would think while on earth jesus would have stressed the importance of using god's name.

    Also, how do you know god's name isnt bob? What if the god of the old testament and new testmanet is a figment of imagination, like zues and thor? Can you really disprove that bob exsists? I have proof that bob exsists because I feel him in my heart and he guides me every day. Your close-mindedness in assuming that the god of the old and new testament is the only god is evident.

    First, disprove that any other god is the correct god, then prove that your god is the right god. Once you have done that then you have the right to attack others for making light of your god. You can respond intelligently, or you can call me some colorful name. Which would refeclt your being guided by the only true god more? Which one reflects badly on the god you claim to revere?


  • patio34

    Here's a different perspective:

    The name of the creator in Hebrew mythology is Yahweh. He was a tribal war-god who the priests claimed commanded war and gave them their laws.

    Then Jesus and Paul (or rather, Paul, then Jesus) borrowed a lot of their religious ideas from Mithras. As has been commented on this thread already, Yahweh's name was not in the NT, and the differences in the character of OT and NT was night and day.

    Mithraism, which predated Christianity, had a savior called the Lamb of God, and numerous other facets of Christianity, but BEFORE Christianity was popular.

    So, it's not a proper question to say what is the name of God. Which god? Which mythology? And it presupposes the existence of any god.


  • zev

    let me check...
    its the watchtower bible and tract society....
    in english...
    translated "the borg"

    -August 8th, 2001 - The day the lambs ROARED

  • Satanus


    A very good point. If one studies mithraism a bit one sees many elements that came to be known as christian.

    Another source from which christianity borrowed is zerostrianism. I found the avesta on the net. I ran across several paragraphs that were almost identical to the bible book known as revelation or apocalypse. The avesta predates revelation by many years. It's plain who copied whom. If christians only knew!


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