URGENT , Got meeting tonight(Beards)

by StifflersErSlayersBrother 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • cornish

    I remember a talk about 15 years ago given by a member of the Governing body and relayed in a live link to several assemblies in which he said it was inapropriate for a witness holding privaledges to have a beard,the reason given was that beards were associated with rebelious elements in modern society and witnesses did not want to look like rebels,I thought it strange reasoning at the time since I could think of many highly respected individuals in the world who were not at all rebelious and sported beards,it was also a window that started me to have real doubts as the very next day witnesses who had had beards for many years came in clean shaven and behaving like true loyal robots.

  • Tatiana

    Well, I don't know what all the fuss is about!! I had a beard for years and not one elder ever said anything to me about it!!!


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Hey Cornish, et al,
    The ludicrous ``no-beard'' policy is yet another example about how sadly out of touch the Brroklyn gerontocrats are. They're living (or maybe a better word is ``existing'') in a time warp , and the Dodgers are still in Brooklyn.

  • joelbear

    The argument has always been that beards were viewed by society as revolutionary, beatnik, on the edge behavior.

    But now, doctors, lawyers, bankers, etc. are seen sporting beards everywhere. Every bank convention I go to more men have beards (YAY)

    Of course, us bears like to take credit for starting this trend back in the late 80's when the Bear Community was born in a gay biker bar in San Francisco (where else).

    Point out to them that beards have because accepted.

    Don't shave, I don't know what you look like but if you are as cute as your brother you will make a great cub.



  • cornish


    But it is unlikely you would have been offered an eldership privaledge etc,with a beard in most congregations.

  • Jim Lad
    Jim Lad

    I read in Penton's book the same thought of Rutherford wanting to jealously have the older Russell loyalists shave it off say as not to emulate the founder under the pretense of it being vain.

  • Tatiana

    Cornish, it was a joke!
    I'm a woman! (I think)


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

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