by brandnew 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • steve2

    The more things change, the more they stay the same.

    They've come full circle. Russell figured prominently in the organization, Rutherford even more so. Beginning with Knorr, the leaders assumed less prominent public personas.

    Now they've "made-up" with the evil internet and are in full public view, air-brushed, polished and pontificating for all they're worth. And the throngs love it.

    It's called entertaining the troops to take their minds of the ever delaying "end" of this system of things.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    Some marketing strategist must have suggested that they all become more public. Even the jokes that they make in their talks are scripted. It's an attempt to give a human face to the organization. Too much is happening all at once to imagine that these men, who have no imagination, are making the changes on their own.
  • joe134cd
    I remember many years ago having it leveled against me out in FS that we worship men. I remember proudly saying well I don't know how we could as I don't even know who they are. I must emphasise too, that I was proud of this fact. My my, how times have changed with the dieing of the old guard.
  • brandnew

    @Villiage Idiot.......you are deffinitely right.....within a years time , they have totally flipped their script. Watchtower is unrecognizable.

    And yes , sounds ,and looks like outside marketing help.

  • pbrow

    I guess you would consider my mother an "older one" She is much more awake to what the org is all about but her entire social world is encompassed in the church. We were just talking the other day and this very point of how non-discreet these guys are is just another nail in the coffin for her.

    I think its been mentioned before but I think this is part of the circle the wagons strategy. I think this will help wake up those on the fence and solidify the die hards.

    I do not wish anyone death but when Morris does go, pissing on his gravestone is going on my bucket list.


  • eyeuse2badub

    It was better when we didn't know them. At least then we THOGHT that they had jehober guiding them----maybe. Now that we know them, we know how truly stupid and self absorbed they are. It's like seeing a very stately older lady---naked. Not a pretty sight.

    just saying!


  • TheListener

    I think the modern witness, unlike the old school witnesses of years past, really want to be mainstream. They want their leaders to be out front and visible. I believe it makes them feel or at least appear to others to be less cult like.

  • flipper
    I agree with Oubliette - the GB 2.0 ARE narcissists. As one posters mom told him in a conversation " these GB aren't your granddaddy's GB . " Very true. Although the GB of yesteryear- Jaracz, Knorr, etc. DID think that they were " hot $hit on a stick " they weren't so blatant about commercializing their power and control over the mass millions of JW's to the extent of going on T.V. to be seen. But come to think of it- the old GB had a lot to hide regarding some of their alleged child abuse committed from GB members themselves- so perhaps they wanted their faces " out of sight , out of mind ". It's a possibility. The current GB is working hard to continue consolidating power and control over the mass of JW's. Especially Anthony Morris. Peace out, Mr. Flipper
  • StrongHaiku

    I get the sense that they are trying to rebrand themselves as a "Cult of Personality". But that only works if you have a strong and compelling vision that you can communicate in a charismatic way. Kinda like Steve Jobs was for Apple. However, they neither have a strong vision nor do they have any charisma, neither as individuals or collectively. I may be wrong, but sometimes it looks like there is a bit of wrangling between them as each of the GB try to vie for that top spot.

    Just get a bag of popcorn and a coke and watch the freak show.

  • Vidiot

    rip van winkle - "I'm glad the Governing Body expose themselves."

    That statement put a very disturbing image in my head.

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