Jehovah's Witnesses and the Third Reich-NEWS wire

by DannyHaszard 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • metatron

    I think that there may be some truth to the notion that Rutherford was partly responsible for the intensity of persecution.

    First, they tried to ingratiate themselves to the Nazis ( "wealthy Jews", etc), but when this didn't work, they 'baited' Hitler

    with outright opposition, to his face! Being cautious as serpents and innocent as doves would have been a better choice,

    rather than laying down a deliberate challenge, as Rutherford did.


  • Finally-Free
    To accept that view one must also believe that the ordinary Witnesses were mindless automotons who could not possibly act otherwise than to spout and distribute whatever they were told to. I think they, and humans in general, deserve a bit more credit for detemining their own course of action than that. "Brainwashing" is a concept too readily appealed to when persons wish in retrospect to justifly or give extraordinary explanations for actions they later regret.

    So tell me, when was the last time you saw a Jehovah's Witness preaching doctrine or distributing literature other than that provided by the Watchtower cult?

    Whether the JWs are brainwashed mindless automatons or fully aware of their actions does not alter one simple indisputable fact - they spew forth watchtower cult propaganda. A person would have to be either stupid or insane to think they can go through life hurling abuses at everything they don't control without incurring someone's wrath.


  • heathen

    Yah the declaration of facts was a masterpiece of inuendo . Rather than just condemn the nazi persecution of jews or various other groups they tried to distance themselves claiming to be an ngo of some sort . I think it would have been way more interesting had Rutherford went to germany and faced Hitler and this just showed what sort of spiritual coward he really was . I think the WTBTS holds true to those standards today. When was the last time anybody ever heard of the "anointed" going to dangerous lands where they are persecuted ?

  • metatron

    As to Witnesses being "brainwashed automatons", it should be clear that is a reasonable generalization, given their behavior.

    The very spectacle of 6 million publishers acting as if the Society was "inspired" - after 120 years of false prophecy should be

    enough to tell you that something here is very wrong with their mental abilities!

    Yes, technically, the term "brainwashed" came from the Korean War and involved severe physical isolation - and an "automaton"

    refers to a robot. Nevertheless, in common parlance, "brainwashed automatons" serves some justice to the Watchtower.

    Besides the long record of prophetic falsehood, take a look at other weirdness: They will loudly proclaim that they alone do the

    "preaching work" - while they will personally go to extremes "to get their time in" ( walking slow door to door, going to a call

    on the other side of the county). Is just "putting in time" something that God cares about? Is that the all important "preaching


    Many who post here could cite countless other examples of blind Witness obedience. The characterization has a lot of truth

    in it.


  • heathen

    yep , that's one hell of a not for profit charity they have going on there. You get the promise of eternal life if you do everything the leaders tell you . If you don't go out and raise money for them you get a ticket straight to hell and even lose your friends or family . I think automaton fits nicely . What they want is unquestioning obedience to the publishing corporation . If it's in one of their rags you better run it up the flag pole and salute it singing Gods will be done .

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