testing my patience

by Mommie Dark 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    I got an unsolicited email from a dub recently. She read my stories at Free Minds and recognized one of the characters. My brief reply was taken as an excuse to question me about the possibility of my returning to the JWs.

    I replied honestly but far less bluntly than is my wont. In short I was pretty damn restrained, for me. Today I received yet another letter, this one referring to me in third person as if two Jdubs were talking about me. They prayed Jehovah would forgive me.

    I have replied yet again with uncharacteristic restraint, for me. I exhorted them to save their prayers for themselves and their own slavery, as I am now free and not in need of their assistance in order to procure a better life for myself and my loved ones.

    I will let you know if I receive a reply stupid enough to goad me into my usual curmudgeonly crust. The anticipation is dreadful... I hope it lasts...

    I should be the poster child for Prozac, this stuff works smegging miracles! I don't know whether to hope this clueless cultist gives up or continues to press buttons...(Mommie stumps off muttering 'clinical trials, clinical trials...)

  • Tina

    praise Jaw mommie lol.....getting saved is so much fun<major eyeroll> Do let us know what happens luvie! Tina

  • Billygoat

    MD - Personally, I'm proud of you! I know you must be proud of yourself too. I know since I've joined this board that I've learned how to say what needs to be said, but determining the timing is also of importance. (I'm not quite good at that yet!)

    I just wish I had your courage when it comes to old friends and family in the Tower. I'm not there yet.


  • Tina

    ((((((((md)))))))))))Nu? What happened?
    (((((((andi))))))))hey g/f...luv ya,T

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    OK here is the last exchange between us:

    Her/his last letter:
    "Actually I get a kick out of your humor. And since you want to get technical, that's fine with me. Cult: "Obsessive, especially faddish, devotion to or veneration for a person. Usually secretive and little is known about it, or of the followers."

    Well. Let's see. Jehovah's Witnesses are not devoted to any one person, or group of people they are devoted to God. And think about it, what religion is known for their OUTWARD display of dedication - JW for Knockin on doors! To me that doesn't sound very secretive. And another point, we have published any time we have been wrong, and made it known WORLDWIDE - nope, no secret there. Oh and if you "want out" of the organization it's easy, say it and it's done - Like what you did. So again - going against what a cult is, brain washing and no getting out - we're not!

    So, could you really call the Witnesses a Cult?! By definition of the word - I'm gonna say no.

    Oh you made an interesting comment "...I fear Jehovah" No, I don't. I love him, and WANT to worship him. I would never want to displease him, just like we would never want to displease our parents. SAtan, yes I am terrified of him and he makes me want to vomit!! I cannot wait until Jehovah destroys him along with Babylon. I know he is powerful, and I know he's out to get all those doing the will of god.

    I do have a question for you? If Luke 8:1 doesn't mean that Jesus went from house to house (like us "crackpot publishers"), than enlighten me?


    P.S. Since we are so predictable you probably knew all this anyway."

    and Mommie's last word:

    "It's not my JOB to 'enlighten' you! That's YOUR job!

    Look...obviously you've been questioning your involvement with JWs, otherwise you would NOT have been reading at Free Minds Inc. It seems to me that you are desperately trying to convince YOURSELF that you are not involved in a cult. You seem to be trying to shore up your belief system by repeating the best arguments in its favor that you can dredge. I understand that process very well.

    I went through several years of hellish moral quandary before I realized how IMMORAL the JW belief system truly is, how fear-based and guilt-driven its entire theology. I spent ten long years researching and factfinding. It was emotionally and intellectually gruelling, and when I was done, I had to begin from ground zero in order to build a satisfying and honest life in the real world. It was really hard work, finding the real 'truth' about JWdom, and when it was done I had to learn how to think for myself. Critical thinking is a GOOD thing, not dangerous as Brooklyn avers...but it isn't easy, or glib. You're used to glib packaging from Brooklyn, but real life doesn't come in neat plastic packages!

    Honestly? I'm not willing to do that work for YOU. If you are so morally lazy that you need an organization to show you how to behave, then please STAY among Jehovah's allegedly happy people! Those of us who have some basic ethical sensibility prefer that you folks without an internal moral compass remain safely under the thumb of some strongly controlling force; those of you without any personal moral standards probably DO sink into selfish debauchery when you are tossed out of the cult, so in that way your high-control religion is a protection for the rest of the world, isn't it?

    If you want actual information about your cult and its history, its coverups, its outright lies, the information is available online. I would gladly share urls of websites with the best research and WT quotes proving their past chicanery and lies and their occult origins. However, I am not willing to engage in masturbatory debates with delusional cultists who are probably counting the time spent mailing with me as field service time! I am not willing to debunk your fondest cult myths or to offer you some substitute salvation package to drop into the slot in your moral fiber that jettisoning the WT Way might leave. Frankly, I am heartily sick of JWs whinging at me, 'where can we go away to if the Watchtower Way isn't the right way?' Use your brain, do the research, and figure it out already! It isn't 'THE truth', it isn't even in the 'true' ballpark!

    But in your heart you already KNOW this, don't you? That's why you contacted me in the first place...

    Hoping you get a clue at some point,
    Mommie Dark"

    This is a revelation for me folks! SOME OF THESE JWS ARE A DANGER TO OTHERS IF LEFT UNRESTRAINED BY THEIR CULT FEAR OF JEHOVAH'S WRATH! They have NO moral fiber in their hearts and without the guilt/fear governor they would just run roughshod over everything in their path. It's ok to tell them to stay in their safe little box...it's a protection for decent people everywhere if they do...

  • myMichelle

    Hi MD!

    Enjoyed the exchange, but this is my favorite part:

    Honestly? I'm not willing to do that work for YOU. If you are so morally lazy that you need an organization to show you how to behave, then please STAY among Jehovah's allegedly happy people! Those of us who have some basic ethical sensibility prefer that you folks without an internal moral compass remain safely under the thumb of some strongly controlling force; those of you without any personal moral standards probably DO sink into selfish debauchery when you are tossed out of the cult, so in that way your high-control religion is a protection for the rest of the world, isn't it?

    This is the point I was trying to get across to someone when they expressed great concern about my revelation of no longer considering myself a Christian. Their attitude was insulting, insinuating that my lifestyle might radically change into one of selfish debauchery (not the exact phrase they used, but it sums it up) without the fear of a deity. I suppose it is an attitude prevalant in the Christian faith, but only amplified in high-control groups like the WTS.


  • Prisca


    I liked your reply. Well said!

  • Lindy

    You already know that I love you dearly, and you already know what I am about to say. You are healing and getting stronger each and every day. Man, have you come a long way baby!!

    Love and hugs,

  • Farkel


    : And another point, we have published any time we have been wrong, and made it known WORLDWIDE - nope, no secret there.

    Notice Dipfuck said "any" time they have been wrong, so ask Dipfuck to please provide apologies for these "errors" that have devastated and even killed their own:

    alternative military service
    organ transplants
    "This Generation"
    "Superior Authorities"

    Demand that Dipfuck produce evidence of an actual apology from its Cult leaders for all of those "errors." If Dipfuck cannot do that, then ask Dipfuck to produce an actual apology from its Cult leaders for ANY of those "errors." Remind Dipfuck that an apology is "I'm sorry. I was wrong," or "We're sorry, we were wrong," NOT some half-assed nebulous "It is to be regretted that..." bullshit.

    Get back to us on Dipfuck's reply, eh?


  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    Farkel sweet, Dipfuck was mailing me from work and got nabbed for it...I don't know if I am going to get another shot at him/her! I'll let you know if they come out of the woodwork and contact me again...

    I figure that if this person was reading at Free Minds and got as far as Rose's Cantana, they must have gotten a good load of cognitive dissonance under their belt. Maybe they thought a Mommie would be easier to engage than some other apostate....BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! Well I WAS way sweeter to this perons than I ordinarily am...so maybe Jehoober was with them after all...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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