who will survive...

by just2sheep 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • daystar
    Like so many others on these type discussion boards you only hear what you want to hear, nothing else.

    schizm, dude, dudette, whatever... don't you see that you are the primary example of this today?

  • carla

    And why are you here? I see you post even more than me? So, what do your elders have to say about you being here? and swearing at me about Jehovah? yes, indeed, when I grow up I want to be just like this fine Jehovah Witness on the board I met! He is such a fine fellow. So ariticulate about the word of God the watchtower. Really gives me great respect for these 'loving' jw's I hear so much about.

  • just2sheep

    thanks to everyone for the input. i think my point would be that we all have an opinion and none of us have enough evidence to convince others that ours is the correct one. hellrider i think your observations are spot on in relationship to the thinking of a number of watchtower society members who try to justify a lot of harm they do by convincing themselves that jehova will support any thing they present as his word because they have found themselves worthy. i'll just say that a lot of people are going to be shocked at the reality they have refused to accept...that is, if a persons conduct is unacceptable, hypocritical, and judgemental they will not survive. in the end i think the concept of lies as theocratic warfare has done more to drive honest hearted individuals away from "society think" than it has attracted the hardcore. we had never heard of cognitive dissonance until a few weeks ago...thanks to this forum we have a name for the discomfort we felt because of the lying and double speak we were constantly encountering within the congregation. on some level liars know they are lying just like thieves know they are stealing. when you lie to me you have stolen the truth from me. there is no excuse for that....

  • Think


    1. splitting into factions

    the division of a group into mutually antagonistic factions

    RELIGION a division within a religious denomination or breaking away from it, usually on the grounds of differing beliefs or practices

  • FairMind
    You need to start being more concerned with what the Bible itself says.

    That is exactly right. Those who will survive or be saved are those who are loyal to God and Jesus and look to them for salvation despite whatever pressure men bring on them. Loyalty to the men who lead the WTS, Catholic Church, USA, IRAN or any other earthly organization will not save anyone. The way I view it is that things are going to get so bad that Armageddon actually results in the preservation of the human species.

  • Hellrider
    we had never heard of cognitive dissonance until a few weeks ago...thanks to this forum we have a name for the discomfort we felt because of the lying and double speak we were constantly encountering within the congregation. on some level liars know they are lying just like thieves know they are stealing. when you lie to me you have stolen the truth from me. there is no excuse for that....

    That`s good, just2. That`s right, a lie is a lie is a lie. There`s no such thing as "spiritual warfare", it`s just lies and part of the indoctrination process. If you take away a persons integrity, blur the once so clear line between truth and false, then you are destroying that person. It`s an attempt at destroying both the body and the soul of the person, and unfortunately, the WTS are very good at it. The dishonesty is one important reason why I don`t discuss these things with family members that are still JWs. Like in the example with the pr-friendly and the real version of the Armageddon-doctrine, they are so indoctrinated in the skill of lying, that they will even try to pull the pr-friendly version on me, a person who knows "the truth" even better than they do themselves. And that just provokes me so bad I feel like standing up and yelling to them. You should be very proud of yourself that you managed to escape. It shows that you still have integrity, and that they were unable to destroy that.

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