by Mary 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    I just found a real little gem in the WT's 2004 CD-ROM. While looking at Acts 20:20 it says:

    while I did not hold back from telling YOU any of the things that were profitable nor from teaching YOU publicly and from house to house*.

    At the end, by the word "house", there's a footnote and you'll never believe what the footnote says:

    Footnote Rbi8 Acts 20:20

    Or, "and in private houses." Lit., "and according to houses." Gr., kai kat´ oi´kous. Here ka·ta´ is used with the accusative pl. in the distributive sense. Compare 5:42 ftn, "House."

    Am I reading this right? Are they admitting that the phrase that their entire religion is based on could read:

    while I did not hold back from telling YOU any of the things that were profitable nor from teaching YOU publicly and in private houses??!

  • Think

    They are the CON Artist # 1 in the world. They know that selling face to face is the best way EVER. They try to win the people by smiling and tallkind to them abouth BENEFITS (everlasting live). They set up REPEATED visit to gaing commitment. The PRICE is small, (just agree to 15 minutes bible study). The bible study is the hook.

    The REAL PRICE you have to pay is your life, money, family, time, free labor and EVERYTHING YOU HAVE,, YOU MUST GIVE TO THE CULT.

    They are CON Artist # 1 in the world.

  • Leolaia

    Early Christians did not have church buildings to gather in; they met in private homes (the so-called "house church"). They are mentioned throughout the Pauline epistles. The "from house to house" phrase in Acts 20:20 contrasts with public preaching; what is being described as instruction among Christians....not preaching from door to door with non-Christians as the Society would have it.

  • Honesty

    Compare Acts 20:20 in any real Bible, Mary and the deception becomes very clear.

    Acts 20:20 and that I did not shrink back from proclaiming to you anything that was profitable, or from teaching it to you in public and from house to house. Holman Christian Standard Bible

    Acts 20:20 And how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have shewed you, and have taught you publickly, and from house to house (KJV)

    Better yet, check 1 Corinthians 16:19 in the NWT and compare what it says with any real Bible.

    1 Cor 16:19 The churches of the Asian province greet you. Aquila and Priscilla greet you heartily in the Lord, along with the church that meets in their home. Holman Christian Standard Bible

    1 Cor 16:19 The churches of Asia salute you. Aquila and Priscilla salute you much in the Lord, with the church that is in their house. (KJV)

    I say we were fortunate to get out of the Lie when we did, wouldn't you?

  • Mary

    Ah Leolaia, I knew you'd be postin' on this one! Yes, I remember learning about that when I was taking a course on the New Testament and the Prof specifically told us that there weren't very many wealthy Christians in those first years and they didn't have a "church" or "synogogue" to meet in, so they would take turns meeting in the different houses of the Chrisitians. I was sort of surprised in one way (simply because of the way we were taught), but not shocked in any great manner.

    However, I am shocked that the WT's own literature would add this footnote because to me, it's an admission that the "preaching door to door" is totally baseless and I can't believe they'd put that out there for all the Witnesses to see...........

  • Think

    Why house to house peddling magazines ? Because this is MOST EFFECTIVE way of selling EVER.

    It is easy to say NO to a salesman on the phone.

    They know that.

    Is Not so easy to say NO to a nice, smilling, young, happy couple, or a child offering magazine, and quoting from the bible. They KNOW that.

    And they know, that the best way to sell is to tell people that if they don't BUY, they will DIE.

    We have to sell everlasting life. WE HAVE IT, WE THE BORG, YOU CAN ONLY BUY FROM US.

    If you don't BUY, you DIE at Armagedon "tomorow". And to live, cost you NOTHING, you have ONLY TO LISTEN TO US AND LEARN FROM THE BIBLE.

  • greendawn

    There was a thread on this fairly recently explaining that kat'oikon means in private, in someone's home, and it is surprising that the JWs have put a footnote on it with the more correct translation. My view is that Paul taught them in private to be better able to take care of their questions compared to public places with big crowds eg the synagogues.

  • Mary

    I found this part of the Footnote interesting:

    Here ka·ta´ is used with the accusative pl. in the distributive sense. Compare 5:42 ftn, "House."

    Leolaia, do you know what they're talking about?? Cause I sure don't!

  • Narkissos
  • steve2

    Why house to house peddling magazines ? Because this is MOST EFFECTIVE way of selling EVER.

    Actually it's not the "most effective way of selling ever". Increasingly, the Watchtower statistics show that the JWs have to pound the pavement longer and longer to get anywhere near the same results they got in their earlier heyday. In fact, in lots of western countries, the numbers are stagnant or decreasing.

    I'd say, though, that the door-to-door work is an effective way of keeping the rank and file on the go. But even then, given the large number of JWs who no longer preach door to door, I'm not surprised that the Watchtower is being relatively more upfront about alternate renderings of the fiirst century Greek.

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