I Talked To A Friend About His Feeling That JWs Are Right In "Some" Things

by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I told my friend that NO ONE could satisfactorily answer his question. Only death might give you the answer, imo.

  • proplog2

    Well now we know the meaning of religion. Helps us avoid having to come to grips with our own mortality. Tell your friend he's getting closer to the truth every day. People are dying to know the answer to the question of life after death.

    I believe in an after life. After life there is death.

  • garybuss

    Min, you will have to teach your friend HOW to think. He suckered into the dead man's syndrome. That is, his beliefs are things a dead man can do. A dead man doesn't believe in the trinity. A dead man doesn't believe in immortality of the soul. A dead man doesn't believe in hell. A dead man doesn't vote. A dead man doesn't celebrate Christmas. A dead man doesn't believe in celebrating birthdays. A dead man doesn't believe in singing the national anthem. A dead man doesn't believe in going to a church.

    Do ya see what I mean? The Witness group is not a believing group, they are a disbelief group. They are a counter believing group. To have a belief, Witnesses first need another group to have a belief so they can dis-believe the other group's belief.

  • Think

    Hitler was right in some things too.... he rebuilded Germany... , so, anybody feel like joining nazi party because of that ?

  • M.J.
    To have a belief, Witnesses first need another group to have a belief so they can dis-believe the other group's belief.

    I love these Gary-isms you're always putting out there! (can I call them that?) Classic!

  • truthseeker

    Minimum, I quite agree with you, the WT gave satisfying answers until we started searching.

    The WT may have a few things right, but this is only because they are directly stated in the Bible.

    The dead are conscious of nothing is quite probably true.

    As for going to heaven, well consider this: Of all the people that thought they were going, none of them have told us how great it is up there. Either they are forbidden from contacting their relatives, or they are unable to do it.

    everlasting life is a long running Biblical theme, although not really mentioned until the New Testament. Many people asked Jesus what they had to do to inherit everlasting life, yet they never specified if they meant on earth or in heaven.

  • candidlynuts

    every religion is built around a belief of what happens after death. many differ in what they believe but all are the same in that NONE can be proven.

    why waste time worrying about death.. encourage him to LIVE while he's still alive. what ever happens when we die..we can find out then.

  • LDH
    The Witness group is not a believing group, they are a disbelief group. They are a counter believing group. To have a belief, Witnesses first need another group to have a belief so they can dis-believe the other group's belief.

    Yeah, way better than Yogi Berra.


    When you see a fork in the road, take it Class

  • jwfacts

    I happily accept that the majority of religious works, including the bible speak of a heavenly existence after death. Some believe reincarnation is the way to get there, others believe the soul is non existent for a period before the ressurection, some feel we go straight there. However they are all ultimately the same. That when we die it will feel that we instantly are alive again in a new world.

    As a Witnesses I was always in fear of not making it or not being right. Now that I am realistic that one can not know for sure I no longer worry about it, I enjoy this life to its full. It is a far better way to live.

  • minimus

    I am appreciating your responses. You are right to suggest that the JW belief system is built upon non belief. The religion exists because they are different from mainstream. That's their claim to fame.

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