Can you be DF'd for obesity?

by cosmo 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Free2Bme

    ah yes,
    obesity is worse than smoking.
    Seems to me that what you know about obesity could fit on the back of a postage stamp and leave room for your signature!!!!


  • cosmo


    People like you amaze me. My first post and I'm getting flamed by the likes of you. Next time read a little carefully. I did not say gluttony.

  • Billygoat

    I think what Free was trying to say is that reasons for obesity are too variable. Obesity is an effect of a separate cause. Smoking is a cause, not an effect. DFing someone for obesity would be like DFing somebody for having lung cancer. Not all lung cancer comes from smoking. Not all obesity comes from gluttony.


  • blondie

    Just go to an assembly and see all the obese JWs there...I doubt that they are all DF'd. Some gluttons are obese and some obese people are gluttons but not all obese people are gluttons and not all gluttons are obese. Bulimic people are gluttons but usually are just normal weight or a little over. Now that can be dangerous physically. I think you are thinking of being "greedy" which is a catchall phrase that some use to DF people. All or nothing thinking is hardly ever realistic. Personally, I would rather have an obese person sitting next to me than have someone blowing smoke into the air I breathe.

    Do you mind if I smoke? No, do you mind if I fart...Steve Martin, ex-smoker.

  • cosmo

    All I'm trying to figure out here guys is if something is deemed harmuful to your body, and you have control over it and you don't take steps to correct it, shouldn't it be a df circumstance.

  • outcast

    If you can be df'd for "gluttony" which usually leads to obesity, unless your bulemic, which would still be gluttony, but with psychological problems involved, which you could still be df'd for psychological problems, because if you say you smoke because you have psychological problems, you'll get df'd.

    Does that help?

  • Tina

    The fact is that obesity is a complex problem. It's rooted in the cultural,lifestyle , psychological and biological aspects of life. Endocrine probs are really in the minority according to research and stats. It's the second greatest preventable cause of death in the US.
    There are a host of medical problems it causes or exacerbates. It does affect longevity.
    The CDC recently published morbidity and mortality tables on this subject.
    A big factor seems to be a sedentary lifestyle rather than 'gluttony'. This is what's causing obesity to increase in children and teens. I think people can make better choices to prevent this prob. My sister lost over 100 lbs,and has kept it off for 8 yrs now simply by eating healthier and changing her lifestyle to an active one. One that includes regular excercise. Just my 2 cents.T

  • individuals wife
    individuals wife


    Just seems like being obese is worse than smoking.

    I have no objections to sitting next to a fat person but I certainly would have an objection to sitting next to a person who was smoking... you cant catch 'fat' from people but there is a lot of evidence that you can get lung cancer from passive smoking....

    Also please bear in mind that there are a lot of medical conditions that can cause a large weight gain, even something as simple as steroids or hyperthyroidism, obesity is not necessarily always self inflicted. I have known people in the course of my work who being disabled or injured in some way find it very hard to excercise and lose any weight.

    Please bear this in mind, smoking is a self inflicted addiction, obesity sometimes can not be so easily prevented.

    What would you have people be disfellowshipped for next.... biting their fingernails, stammering, acne???????

    To smoke is each persons individual choice, I have no problem with that, what I do have a problem with is the judgemental attitude of some people - that person is fat therefore he must be greedy.

    By the way, feel free to come and work alongside me in the hospital one day and see the effects of smoking.... yes, some smokers may live past 80 but if you could see them fighting for their every breath and coughing their lungs up you would maybe agree that being overweight is a more appealing option....

    And I feel that you should keep your uneccessary insults to yourself ... you shouldnt talk like that to a lady, Free2BeMe that is. Or are you an elder???

  • cosmo

    Let me see if I'm on the same wavelength here.

    I've seen the effects of smoking on people and I've seen the effects of being overweight on others. My father died of lung cancer due to smoking and of asbestos (worked with brake pads) and it was an ugly death. Three months from the time he was diagnosed.

    I've also seen obese people struggle day in and day out with their weight problem. From gasping for breath after walking up a flight of stairs to having several heart attacks during their life.

    My point was only to find out the reasoning behind the way the Society picks what is good and what is bad for you. Nothing more.

    I'm just a sinner, I didn't mean to start addressing anyone in a mean-spirited way.

  • blondie

    Sorry, cosmo. As a weight challenged person myself, I know it is hard to determine what "obesity" is by Bible standards, is it caused by overeating (gluttony) or something medical (few doctors are elders), and whether it is really under their control as in bulimia or anorexia is hard for elders to say. Both conditions can require serious medical intervention by a qualified medical person. It is also difficult to determine if someone is a practicing alcoholic or drunkard. But just one cigarette to the lips and smoke coming out of your mouth, and you are a smoker...much easier to determine. BTW, I think smoking is easier to quit because humans don't need to smoke to live so cold turkey is an option. Can't quit eating, leads to death as well.

    Do you mind if I smoke? No, do you mind if I fart?--Steve Martin, ex-smoker

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