Mothers Rules for Everlasting Life

by Stacey 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stacey

    Just a little something that I wrote for a writing class that I was taking last year. Thought I'd share. I'm no Naeblis. (You're so talented with your writing Naeb :D)

    Mothers Rules for Everlasting Life

    You know that I’m only setting these rules for your own good. If you don’t follow them, you know that you will perish in Armageddon, which will come upon us like a theif in the night. And really, they are not my rules. They are GOD’s rules and his Organizations rules. I know you are still young and just starting school, but this is your future. You must be told now so that you do not make any mistakes as you get older. Because really if you make a mistake you will be punished. Not by me your mother, but by GOD and His Organization. You are not the only one who will have to follow these rules. I will have to follow them also. And our congregation of people will have to follow them too. But this is the only way that we will all live forever.

    You will not be allowed to celebrate your birthday, Halloween, Christmas, Easter, New Years, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, or 4th of July. You will have to explain to your fellow students when you start school that GOD and His Organization do not approve of these pagan holidays. You will be teased and made fun of. But you can be strong. Just remember that all of the children who are teasing you, they do not know the Truth.

    Birthdays were not celebrated by Jesus. The bible makes no mention of birthday’s except for two; where bad thing that happened at these birthday celebrations. Therefore we must follow what the Organization says and not celebrate our birthday. I know that other kids mom’s will make them cupcakes and bring them to class. And everyone will light candles and sing happy birthday. But we will tell your teacher that you can be excused from class during these celebrations. You can go spend time in the library, or I will come and pick you up from school early on these days.

    Jesus was not born on December 24th. People should not be worshiping his son on this supposed holiday. This holiday is Pagan. It is bad and evil, and the people who celebrate it don’t really know the Truth anyways. The kids might try to talk you into believing in Santa. Don’t tell them that there is no Santa. Just ignore them. When there is a Christmas pageant during class hours I will come and pick you up from class. We will go have lunch and you can take the rest of the day off.

    During class every morning, when your fellow students salute the flag, you must not join them. You can stand up, but please do not place your hand on your heart. And make sure not to recite the words to the Pledge of Allegiance. You will memorize them because you will have to listen to them every morning in class. But you know that we do not pledge our allegiance to anyone but GOD and His Organization. You will be teased about this. And the other kids will probably stare at you and whisper. But your reward for being strong will be everlasting life.

    I know that your school life will be tough on you. You will always feel different than the other kids. But GOD tells us that we are to be different. We are to be no part of this world. This means that the only friends that you can have are other True believers who are a part of GOD’s Organization. If you meet someone at school that you like, you can be nice to them. But you cannot have them over after school. And you cannot go to their house to play. I know this will be hard for you to understand. But GOD and His Organization tell us that bad association spoils useful habits. You can spend time with kids at our place of worship. I know there are not that many children that are your age in our congregation. But you will get along fine with the kids that are there.

    As you get older, you will not be allowed to go to school dances. You will not be able to date boys until you are sixteen. And even then you will only be allow to date other boys that are in the Organization. You must study GOD’s word and the publications put out by the Organization. These will help you keep on the straight and narrow path. GOD and His Organization will be pleased with you if you follow these guidelines. If the Elders come and talk to you, they will most likely have good reason. If you are ever caught smoking or swearing you will be kicked out of the Organization. You know that rebellious kids are not tolerated. If you ever get kicked out of GOD’s organization you will not be able to associate with any of your life long friends. And you will not be able to be a part of your family any longer. And you will not earn eternal life. So please do not stray. I love you too much to someday lose you to the world and it’s awful and sinful ways. And I want you with me in Paradise.

    I just want you to know that you can always come home to your mom. I will support you no matter what. And after school on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, we will go to meetings. There we will be reminded or why we are doing what we are doing. We will learn of GOD’s plan for us through the Organization's publications. We will hear of living forever in Paradise on earth and never growing old. We will all be perfect. Death and mourning will be no more. This is our great reward for serving GOD and His Organization.

    After school, we will go to the hall to meet up with our fellow believers. We will study. And then we will go out to the neighborhoods in order to tell others about this good news. If we can save other people, and help them to know of GOD and His Organization then we will not be blood guilty. GOD and His Organization tell us that we are to share the Truth with everyone. We will pass out the Organization’s magazines and books. We do not know when Armageddon will come. Because no one knows the time, we should all be prepared. We must all work very hard to stay strong and approved in GOD’s sight and in the Organization’s sight.

    You are young. As you get older, you will appreciate these rules that GOD and His Organization have set for you. They are for your own protection and for your own good. You will thank me when we are living in paradise. And you will be happy that you suffered on this earth when you have received everlasting life for obeying GOD and His Organization.

  • Pathofthorns

    That's a pretty accurate and thorough summary of what life is like as a JW... Thanks


  • Shaneliza

    Wow! Was my mom telling you what to write? (Heehee).. quote.."....Elders come and talk to you, they will most likely have good reason. If you are ever caught smoking or swearing you will be kicked out of the Organization......I just want you to know that you can always come home to your mom. I will support you no matter what.".... end quote.... Those are the same words my mom used when I was growing up in the BORG. But since I was df'd, I haven't had any support from her at all. Hmmmm, strange...[8>]

  • Eyebrow

    I will never forget the time I bought an old used car from an old high school friend. The previous owner had been a smoker and the ashtray still had ashes in it, but the car really did not smell. Since I never used the ashtray, it was always closed and I did not really tnink too much about it.

    Well, somehow the elders heard that I had a car with an ashtray full of ashes in it and two asked to speak to me after a Sunday meeting. They were pretty serious and asked if I had been smoking..I was shocked! When I learned why they thought I was smoking I actually laughed! I promised to clean out the ashtray as soon as I left the hall.

    How anal is that?

  • AngelofMuZiC

    Goodness Gracious.....I am pissed. That story just fully reminded me of what my life was like. To the TEE!!! Every time my mother or her bible study conductor told me I was not allowed to do something...I would get sad or angry and ask why. The explanation? Just as you said in your story...."because GOD and His Organization say it's wrong." I really feel for these poor children who have to suffer this. I remember very shortly before I left, I had befriended this little girl. I was about 16, and she was only 11. I would listen to her comment, and preach at the door, and tell me stories about service, and recite scriptures. I wanted to cry...thinking about all the opportunities she would miss out gain some valuable future. I had already missed out on them. So one night after the book study, I leaned over to her and said..."I know that what I am going to tell you will sound very strange and funny, but LISTEN to me! I don't care what anyone tells you...STAY in school! Choose something to study that you will enjoy doing, and GO TO COLLEGE!!!! Don't let your parents or anyone else make that decision for you. It is only between you and God. I know that God will understand if you don't want to pioneer forever, and wish to go to school instead." She looked at me with an oddly blank face. "Pioneering is my goal. I want to make Jehovah happy." , she said. I started to cry....because the damage of brainwashing had already been done.

    My Regards,

  • messenger

    You go girl! You nailed it to the wall...

  • dubla


    thanks for the trip down memory lane. only the ones in here that grew up a witness can fully understand the pain and frustration behind that post. the part about going to the library during bday parties really struck a chord with me. its like im sitting in that library all over again, wondering how good those cupcakes are (and they were usually cupcakes, werent they?), waiting for the teacher to come get me and tell me the parties over, i could come back to class.

    saluting the flag was always a new laugh, every time, never failed. comments, giggles, stares, questions.

    "we dont celebrate christmas, jesus wasnt even born on that day...."

    "what the hell are you talking about dork? look what i got this year."

    i could go on and on, but youve already summed it up nicely. cant wait to celebrate christmas this year with you know who :).......


  • LDH

    Wow Stacey, this is awesome stuff.

    My daughter was 5 1/2 when I met my future husband, and she was already brainwashed like Joanne said.

    He would not tolerate JW wacky ideas and right from the beginning started buying her birthday gifts, Christmas gifts, gifts on holdays she wasn't even supposed to get a gift! All because he knew to a young child, the attention and love you get on special days are critical.

    Thank God she's now 11 and I have left about two years ago. Up until that whole time when I went to the Hall he didn't want me to bring her with me. They played golf together or sometimes just did nothing at all.

    I am now appreciative although at the time we fought like cats and dogs. Now she celebrates every holiday with gusto. She even got up the courage this year to tell my parents that my husband 'bought her the biggest Lego set in Toys R US for her birthday!'

    Your essay is reflective of what many of us lived. I suspect to an outsider, it would sound like a cult broadcast. Who knew?


  • Bridgette

    AAAAHHHH, the good old days! Going to school in a small back-asswords little Texas town, the only witness kid ever to attend----terrified (TERRIFIED) having to sit through the pledge. Stuck between Jehovah's wrath and a room full of rednecks! Thanks for making my first day of school as a tiny little girl so GREAT, Mom. Ah well, no regrets, it made me stronger and determined not to raise my daughter that way. She LOVES school and life!!
    B. :)
    p.s. I love Texas and all Texans (being one myself) but this when I say back-asswards, I mean back-asswards, about 500 people in the whole town--they didn't even allow blacks, much less someone who CHOSE to be differnt.

  • ARoarer

    Hi Stacey, your description of what it is like for a child growing up in the organization makes me feel so sad that I echoed those messages to my older children. They are grown now and we all no longer attend meetings because we see that this is not the "truth". But it hurts that those negative messages were instilled by the parents who thought we were doing what god wanted us to do. Thank goodness our youngest who is starting H.S. has not been enslaved by such negative thinking. Although I and my husband were lenient with our children and not by the book witness parents, I still feel saddened that I as a parent, a mother, expected my children to live such rigid and narrow minded ways.

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