WTS-UN connection questions

by Sunspot 6 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Sunspot

    We are well aware that the WTS really enjoys favorable and positive publicity from the usually unfavorable and negative media concerning their actions. We see many photo-ops and read many pro-WTS articles where the media has been contacted to make sure the JWs get glowing reports on building Kingdom Halls, putting roofs on the homes of JW hurricane victims, etc, etc.

    These incidents and events are few and far between, but THEN we hear that the WTS has been SECRETLY "doing fine works" in the form of "relief" in foreign countries! THIS, of course, comes on the heels of their exposure from a British newpaper who brought to (new) light, that the WTS had been signed up with the UN....but we are expected to forget all that.

    So, question one is:

    For all the boasting and bragging about all it "does" for humanity here in the United States---WHY was all the supposed "relief work" done undercover FOR the ten-year liason that the WTS enjoyed with the formerly despicable and disgusting UN???

    After some "thought" on the matter when the WTS was caught out with the dreaded UN, they then write to their congregations explaining that they had indeed "touched the unclean thing" to obtain a Library Card (wink-wink) and disregarded all that it had written vilifying the UN and all those religions who soiled their hands on it as well. Apparently they had "changed their minds" once again, (sigh) but forgot to notify their followers of this big change UNTIL it was publically exposed. We are expected to forget all that too.

    My next question is;

    HOW does having a library card (signed every ten years by a couple of men in Brooklyn NY and in the United States), admit any "organization" into another country to act in a supposedly "humanitarian" capacity on any level???

    Can anyone explain this to me?

    Annie....with the inquiring mind.....

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I don't know the specific answer to your question.

    I do think it has finally occured to them that they cannot 'play ball' under Watchtower rules in this world any longer. They need to play the game to get into places they want to be.

    It has been suggested that they changed the ban on vaccinations in order to facilitate the ongoing need for passports and foreign growth. Don't know if it is true, but the rules seem to change when they hit reality that is adverse to current doctrine.


  • Sunspot
    the rules seem to change when they hit reality that is adverse to current doctrine.

    Thanks for the reply, Jeff. It seemed to me that these were good, valid questions, but as you can see---this thread was taking a nosedive into oblivion. (But let PMJ post something stupid and irritating and he gets at least three pages of replies. Go figure.)

    I really DO wonder how the JWs can overlook these things, but I have yet to find one that is willing to address either question. I agree wth your comment in that the WTS uses its well-known wiggle-room and two sets of scales theology when explaining how these "changes" occur in their flawed and fraudulent reasoning.

    The Watchtowergod is fickle and demanding. His followers are fools.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    WTS uses its well-known wiggle-room and two sets of scales theology when explaining how these "changes" occur in their flawed and fraudulent reasoning.


    I have noticed what you say about the foolish threads that get miles of replies. I am doing all I can to help here.[wink- bttt] Your questions are valid. I think the reality is that none of the apologist will take on anything of serious nature, unless they can cloak it in psuedo-intellect.


  • IronClaw

    Hi Sunspot, I just got home and out of the shower here in New York. I have read your questions, I think I remember reading somewhere that An Org. didn't need a library card to begin with. That having been said, what gets me so damn mad is how they say, never to do anything that might stumble someone. I ask you whats more likely to get someone stumbled,

    • One joining the local YMCA to use the weight room or pool or
    • The WTS joining the dreaded UN to use the library

    I posed this question to my wife a while back and got that look ( you know the one that could kill ) and no response. Hypocrites I tell you, just plain Hypocrites.

    By the way Sunspot I always enjoy reading your posts. Keep smiling, The Claw

  • Sunspot

    I have read your questions, I think I remember reading somewhere that An Org. didn't need a library card to begin with. That having been said, what gets me so damn mad is how they say, never to do anything that might stumble someone.

    Yes if I'm not mistaken this came from the UN site itself, after the WTS had lied to its braindead followers and told them that was the reason they had done the dirty with the disgusting UN.

    I ask you whats more likely to get someone stumbled,

    • One joining the local YMCA to use the weight room or pool or
    • The WTS joining the dreaded UN to use the library

    I posed this question to my wife a while back and got that look ( you know the one that could kill ) and no response. Hypocrites I tell you, just plain Hypocrites.

    Had I still been a JW, I would not have batted an eyelash if another JW family had joined the Y to use the pool. This actually happened (I saw their son's pic in our local paper when he graduated from one skill level to the next in swimming, LOL) I had left by this time and never got to hear the "fallout" they must have received at this!

    Our handicapped Grandson that lived with us...was given a certificate by the brand new Y that had just been built. It was awarded to the handicapped children for free use of the gym equipment, the pool, etc...but I was still an active, loyal and obedient (tm) JW at that time....and dutifully declined the certificate. It would have been so good for him, physically and socially....just one more regret I live with.

    All this transparent mess that the WTS hands out in such hot, steamy piles of crap---makes those who believe them look like complete fools.

    By the way Sunspot I always enjoy reading your posts. Keep smiling, The Claw

    So sweet of you to say so!......and thank you.


  • Poztate

    Thanks for the reply, Jeff. It seemed to me that these were good, valid questions, but as you can see---this thread was taking a nosedive into oblivion. (But let PMJ post something stupid and irritating and he gets at least three pages of replies. Go figure.)
    Sunspot...Very good valid questions unlike some.....The WT "elite" have no rules to follow.They do what they will without regard. The rank and file are the ones who suffer and have to obey mind numbing rules.

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