Sad. Very, very, sad.

by outcast 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bridgette

    My thoughts exactly, Stacey--the story was morbid enough, but the comments to follow were downright disturbing. I am saddened also to think of this brother, who is hanging on with all he's got, in hopes (or so it seemed in the story) of reuniting with his deceased wife. Which, according to official party line, is NOT going to be the case.
    And not one ounce of compunction about looting the houses of the deceased. Not one grain of compassion for the dead. In fact, it's one big "party" sounds like.
    If this is their Brave New World, full of their brand of "love", then they can have it.
    The name of this thread is so appropo: SAD. Very, very sad....

  • SusanHere

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, GOD, for keeping me out of this organization!

    Now and forever,I thank you!


  • Tina


    I'm not surprised at the r/f attitude towards the rest of humanity.
    That's why they just love the word 'apostate'.
    This word dehumanizes and objectifies people. Us and the world.
    When you objectify living beings like this,they no longer are worth or deserve any human feelings or considerations.They can totally dismiss the rest of the population. They are merely 'objects'. Very sick indeed.Very representative of totalitarian groups.
    I see this all the time when I peruse the JW boards.

    I find it ludicrous that some would expect us to respect people who would gladly shovel the rotting remains of your children into a common grave. I have no hatred for these drones,but certainly NO respect for anyone with that mindset. Just my 2 cents.Tina

  • RedhorseWoman

    It's hard to believe that at one time I would have also found that little piece of fiction very encouraging. The second fictional piece is much more realistic. No one ever seems to consider the fact that there would have to be strict organizational controls to get everything done. Somehow, they assume that everything will magically fall into place.

    I noticed, too, the happy reunion between the man and his deceased wife. According to the WT philosophy, they will not be able to get back together and produce children. What a bittersweet reunion it would be. No happy family for them! But, the JWs just ignore those little things.

    Interesting, too, is the idea of solar panels and windmill powered generators. How do they suppose they're going to get the manufacturing plants going to produce these commodities without any skilled personnel to run them and design the stuff.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Hey...there's Laptops in the new system?????????

    The sheer ignorance that only witnesses will survive.
    So, if someone is disfellowshipped for smoking a Marlboro, or, question some crazy teaching, they would die the horrible way this story indicates.

    But the Child Molesters............... Hmmmmmmmmmmm.

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