Would you wear your underwear...

by LittleToe 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    maybe a cute bustier

  • damselfly

    It it gave me superpowers I might consider purchasing some supercute knickers, since they don't I'm happy to go without.


  • littlerockguy
    Yes, it seems a bit odd; and I imagine especially so to someone who is accustomed to wearing a kilt with no underwear at all.


  • funkyderek

    Perhaps it's to provide contrast, in order to minimise the appearance of the superhero's "package" in a spandex costume. Alternatively, it may have been the fashion among young men in the 1930s when the first modern superheroes appeared. Or maybe it's because most of the time, superheroes are wearing their "civvies" over their costumes, in which case the underwear is on the inside. (Wearing underwear underneath the costume would make it difficult to use urinals or readjust oneself.)

    Of course, none of the above explains why Wonder Woman dresses like a cheap hooker on the 4th of July.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    The outside pair is just a spare! One sometimes needs a spare when fighting off other super-evil-heroes. One has a tendancy to mess oneself when first encountering a kryptonite carrying bad guy.


  • AuldSoul

    As I understand it, Superpoop is a damnably tough stain to remove.

    AuldSoul (of the "Leave It to Me to Carry It Too Far" class)

  • lucifer

    me and my friends did once for an hour it was a bet and we were not sober lol, but it was all in good fun

  • LittleToe

    I suppose a suitable follow-on questiuon would be:

    ...on your head?

  • tetrapod.sapien
  • jt stumbler

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