Tommy Calls It Quits

by ColdRedRain 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lo-ru-hamah

    It is difficult for witnesses when their POSITION is threatened. And they will sacrafice free will to maintain TITLE.

  • Scully

    I stopped reading when I realized that Tommy doesn't know the difference between "conscience" and "conscious". Is there a psychological reason why those two words keep getting confused by so many JWs?

  • Ticker

    Ack I typed a whole post and it didnt post.

    For the most part, I have received very loving messages. And I'm going to be honest, it has made it very hard to leave myspace. My heart and even tears have poured out upon reading some of your messages. You have all been very encouraging and have given me more reason to love being apart of Jehovah's Organization

    Oh well what I was thinking was that its sad that they find some joy in posting and chatting with friends, only to have the Watchtower snuff it out by disguising it as a matter of conscience. Their just scared a witness surfing the net may dig up information the Watchtower Society is desperatly trying to hide.


  • TallTexan
    Hi Tall Texan, why are you doing that?


    Quite a few of them have profiles that contain profanity, lewd pictures and other things not approved by the borg. Yet they are arrogant in condemning those that disagree with them.

    I'm just trying to help keep the congregation clean.

  • Oroborus21


    It isn't a JW thing. I would venture that at least 8 out of 10 people in our society don't understand the difference by term at least. Mixing up conscious with conscience is on most lists of words that are commonly confused.

    (People understand the difference when it is explained to them of course.)


  • Rook

    Hope you find Christ one day.

  • Clam
    My congregation will be having a local needs talk [this week] warning about the dangerous of the Internet with a special concern on Myspace.

    I'd love to be at that meeting. I should hope they'll mention this site in their "talk" as well.

    Will it be for some like Eve and the forbidden fruit? "I musn't so I might"

    I do sometimes wonder with the WTS and their fear of the internet if at one stage they advised witnesses not to look at the TV or go to the movies.

    See you when you're a newbie Tommy !!!

  • figureitout
    talk that toke place at her hall.

    Damn I was never at a meeting where people took tokes... Damn it I knew the halls I went to were lame...

  • reneeisorym

    That letter just gave me a bad flashback of what I hated so much about being in the borg. I couldn't stand people who condemned things they knew nothing about. Oh so happy to be free in Christ!!

  • ColdRedRain

    Because, Scully, he has an education from the University of Awake

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