Anyone seen "The Island"

by onesong 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedomlover

    haven't seen this movie yet onesong, but now I want to....thanks!

    haven't even heard of it, is it new or old?

    I love "The Village" because it's soooo similar to the org. mentality and the control issues. very interesting movie to watch if you are leaving the JWs.

    BTW - NICE PIC! you're a cutey! so nice to put a face with someone from here.



    Its an ok movie..... I mean it wasnt bad or anything, the story was good. How they controlled and brainwashed "the product" as they were called was alarmingly like the WTS. They were portraying a lie as absolute truth and if you started to be curious and doubtful they would give the product psyche exams and try to correct the "problem" When they all were coming down the mountain at the end to see the rocks hills and susnset reminded me how many of you must've felt when you finally faded, DF,DA'ed, etc.

  • Lilycurly
    Lilycurly would've think movies like those would make a JW think...but unfortunately, my father saw both The Island and the Village, the allusions seem to slide right off his back. I guess it would need to be printed in bold black watchtower-like letters for them to see.

  • onesong

    I have friends in the Org. that saw the Village and said " Aren't we glad that we're in good hands with the F+S and not treated like that!"

    Bottom line what I've learned : People believe what they want to. When the student is ready the teacher appears.

  • Es

    I loved that movie but didnt connect to JW but now you mention it yes i see the similaritys.

    But def The Village is so JW love that movie too


  • m0nk3y

    I really really enjoyed this movie, I thnk it was up there as one of the best I saw for 2004. I think the main reason I liked it was because of my past and the happy ending.

  • Calliope

    i HATED the movie.

  • stillAwitness


    I had a date who took me to go see it but I went to see it a second time by myself. (I was so distracted the first time cause Octupus Hands seemed to be all over the place.)

    Great movie though. The similarities were so real that it gave me chills.

    Everyone has good things to say about the Villiage which I think I will rent this weekend. Is it scary?

    Love the preview where she whispers: Don't let them in.

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    I really liked it but didnt make a connection to life as a JW, next time I see it when I get it on dvd i'll watch it with that thought in mind

  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    Good movie. Especially the end when they were freed from the borg and they were all standing on the hills viewing the vast world that was opened up to them

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