by _Atlas 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DavidChristopher

    I think steve miller is a prophet. He seen it coming and wrote "take the money and run." How funny.

  • DaveNwisconsin

    Maybe they just want more money for new homes with bigger pools

  • TopHat
    It just proves my point that lawyers run the WTS not the GB

    They have some brilliant lawyers.

    The Lawyers are jocking their position to take over the bank accounts at the WTS, as I see it.

  • Severus
    "The celestial organization has moved forward and the earthly one has being left behind. The holy spirit sent these people out to be full time pioneers and participate more fully in the preaching work now that the times are really critical and the organization has some catch up to do."

    I noticed that you put these words in quotes. Is this in print anywhere? What is the source?

    The quote is a paraphrase from a popular email that circulated in early January 2006.

    In fact even I received the email:

    Bros VanDeWall, Jaracz, Pierce and Weaver gave a talk to the Bethelites after the Watchtower Study Monday night.

    They wanted everyone to be there so they made an announcement ahead of time.

    The emphasis is being put more on the field and they are going to start to drastically reduce the number of Bethelites.

    Some will be sent to Gilead, some as sub CO's some as CO's. They asked them to please accept the assignment because it is as if it's a Bethel assignment. Some will be sent out as Special pioneers, some as foreign Bethelites but not as BIFS, permanent Bethel assignments.

    The older ones too will be able to do telephone witnessing in Bethel and those who can will be going out in service one day a week. What a loving arrangement.

    Sounds exciting!

    Bro. Jaracz says now get a good nights rest and be ready to work tomorrow. Everyone laughed because they know they will be all night crying or thinking about the new arrangement.

    The chariot is changing directions right?

  • DavidChristopher

    the whole thing is funny....Could they break it down into simple terms, or must you have a translater to get the message? Ever notice how they give all these vague technical answers?

    Yo, dude, we out.


  • flyphisher
    The older ones too will be able to do telephone witnessing in Bethel and those who can will be going out in service one day a week. What a loving arrangement.

    They should learn how to operate with internet. To be able to answer world-wide questions via e-mail.
    Would be very important.

  • Rescripting_myself


    I did not get to know of the changes you refer to i.e

    - Awake being issued monthly

    -Bethelites being sent home

    -Disposal of assets.

    Where can I get the information?

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