Just had a visit from my mom

by Bumble Bee 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    About two weeks ago, I had a fallout with my mother and sister. They totally overreacted to a situation and said some pretty nasty things, called me apostate and said they never wanted to see me again. I tried my hardest to not react the same way, and try to explain some things but they didn't want to listen. I left the door open, said I'd always be here for them etc.

    Tonite my mom dropped by and wanted to talk. I wasn't so sure I wanted to when hubby told me she was here, but I did. She apologized! (She NEVER apologizes first!) She said she loves me and wants to be a part of my life, even if we don't agree on everything and I want to go my own way (meaning leaving JW's) she still wants to be a part of my life! I couldn't believe it! There are still things we have to talk about and sort out, but it's a step in a positive direction. It was such a relief!!


  • myself

    Bee, that's great news. Makes you glad you didn't react and act like they did doesn't it. It would have probably kept them on the defensive. I hope your sister will come around too.

  • serendipity

    Hi BB, Great news! I'm glad your mother is choosing you over her religion.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Kudos ! You stood your ground and it paid off. Sounds like there's hope for your mom...who knows what a year will bring.

  • montana96

    Hi Bumblebee. Sounds like we have the same mum. Mine reacted the same way when we were leaving, we had very heated arguments and she thought I had turned apostate. But she soon turned around and realised I havent changed that much and she still loves me as her daughter even though she doesnt agree with us leaving.

    Our relationship now is good although a little strained at times(my dad has no problem and doesnt hassle us about going back)and she is a good grandparent to our kids even though at times she tries to take them to meetings, we have now put a stop to it.Keep doing good things to your family and you will be rewarded. All the best

    Mercedes x

  • juni

    I'm happy for you Bumblebee!! Stand your ground; define your boundaries. Juni :)

  • sass_my_frass

    hooray! A mother with a soul! Cherish her, well, at least make her nice hot drinks!

    I'm glad for you and her, good for her for letting go a little.

  • DaveNwisconsin

    you are lucky

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Thanks everyone!

    We still have a ways to go, there are things we will have to talk about, but it's a step in the right direction. I hope my sister will come around as well. She stayed out in the car :-( She can be very hard sometimes.

    There will have to be boundaries set up that's for sure, but I think/hope/pray, we will be able to get through this!


  • greendawn

    So there are parents that do not blindly follow the dictates of the WTS to corrupt the parent-child bond. That is good news for you despite the power of that satanic organisation.

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