draft letter - editorial comments?

by wasasister 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • outnfree

    Dear (((Wuzzy))),

    I would like to see a copy of your final letter. I have been away and only now stumbled across this thread in a search for another. The draft is excellent and I, too, liked the Scriptural references you made.

    It would make an excellent letter to your local religion editor, too.
    Or the Family Life section editor of your local newspaper?

    Thanks for the effort.


    Par dessus toutes choses, soyez bons. La bonte est ce qui ressemble le plus a Dieu et ce qui desarme le plus les hommes -- Lacordaire

  • Tina

    yes wuzzy is an excellent writer!
    I too would love to see the final draft. I am always appreciative of the good writers here. I can learn much from wuzzys style and format!
    Thank you(((wuzzy))))))))) and thank you (((((out for bringing this bttt! luv ya,Tina -Willing to learn and improve class

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

  • waiting

    Howdy y'all,

    With the advent of hard copy knowledge of two different child abuse reporting policies - found out so far, a letter to the WTBTS requesting an honest review of their child abuse policy seems moot.

    The reason? The bastards damned well know how to have a stronger, pro-children policy - they've proven it for almost a decade in Britain.

    The question which now begs to be asked is......why didn't they have the same policy in both countries? Why do they value the safety of British children more than the usa children?

    What other countries have different policies? Why aren't children universally protected?


    You're letter is excellent, btw. I've first drafted mine, but it's quite a bit more personal, because I've written before on this same subject. Thanks for posting yours - as it's a good format for writting to Newspapers.

    I would think this new information could be formulated into the newspaper articles quite nicely. Copies of both letters on elder policy (Britain and usa) are at the SilentLambs site and the Watchtower Observer.

    Thanks for your writing, wasasister. It's appreciated.


  • Francois

    I must agree that unsigned letters get nowhere. If you have the courage of your convictions, you must sign it. That, or have it published in a full page spread in the Wall Street Journal.

  • Amazing

    Hi Wasasister: Excellent letter. I too agree with the 'unsigned' concern that Alan and other stated. You could have an attorney send it on your behalf. He/she can sign it, and not reveal your name. this will get their attention, perhaps make them wonder if you are considering legal action, and yet not necessarily reveal your name.

    However, your length of years may give you away if using an attorney near your home town. You might secure an attorney in another part of your state, and that will at least shield you from discovery.

    On the otherhand, if you sign it yourself, then your only concern is being DF'd or DA'd. By using an attorney, though, you also keep the Society guessing, and likely even if they discover who you are, they may leave you alone. Hope this is helpful to you. - Amazing

  • waiting

    Hey 'swa,

    I tend to agree with you, but each his/her own. I don't have a problem signing my letter as I've stated, I wrote to them before, and I was such a good jw sister back then.

    If they could read it back then, they can read it now.

    But I personally don't think it will do any good. Those two different official policies on handling child abuse will do more good to force them to change than anything I can write. They didn't listen to me back then, have no doubt they'll not listen to me now.

    It's going to take a lot of shuffling feet to get out of this one. But being good with lawyers, PR people, and watching their own money, they probably will....but they'll leave sweatcracks on their seats when they finally get up off their butts.


  • wasasister

    I agree with Amazing, AF, and Francoise: A signed letter would have much more import. However, perhaps the GB are counting on the fact that JW's know full well the reprocussions visited upon anyone who is known to harbor such ideas. They must understand the fear they have long inflicted on us of losing our families.

    It's interesting that at the time I wrote this letter, I was not aware of the use of the "Superior Authorities" argment in the UK letter. Not that I am taking credit for being a sage, but if I can come up with scriptural reasoning along these lines, wouldn't the elders world-wide be able to follow the same reasoning?

  • patio34

    Hi Wasasister,

    Very convincing letter. If you want a frank opinion, I would edit it down a bit.

    Perhaps this has been covered before, but would it be a good idea to put a 'cc' at the bottom, listing your local newspaper and other media? And then actually mail copies to media with a brief cover memo to introduce it.

    I think I'll try that and post the results on the board.


  • zev

    would you mind if i use this letter, of course changing so nessesary details? like person info.
    i'm concidering sending my own letters and thoughts whatever the result.

    i am feeling its time for the wtbts to see exactly how many of its followers are now examining the very org thats misled them. time they see their own truth.

    -August 8th, 2001 - The day the lambs ROARED

  • wasasister

    Pat: yes, my final copy is much more concise. My first drafts all tend to be verbose. I think brief letters are more often read, rather than skimmed.

    Zev: take whatever you find useful. I may just sign my last name (a rather common one) and use my first initial. I may have someone in another state post it.

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