Ever meet someone in the field service who knew their bible better than you

by JH 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • elliej
    No. But then again, until I came out I didn't know that JWs didn't teach that Christ was everyone's mediator. I knew the Bible, I just didn't know I was never actually one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Oh my gosh! I thought I was the only one! If my fade is ever rudely interupted I'm going to let them know that they don't have any authority over me because I was never actually one of Jehovah's Witnesses because I didn't understand this teaching. Thanks Auld, for verbalizing that so perfectly.

  • sass_my_frass

    I thank every one of them, because piece by piece they showed me that I was wrong, and hadn't yet seen it.

  • RichieRich

    For my age, I know my bible pretty well. But, I guess thats in comparison to people my age.

    The showy "I <3 Jesus" kids really get on my nerves, and always insult me as I'm fairly open about Atheism. So I give them a scripture or two that counters what they say, they shut up, and I win.

  • HappyDad

    I thought I knew my bible very well, but....................

    Witnesses know only of scriptures the society throws at us/them to read which scriptures they twist to fit their weird agenda's/doctrines.

    every time I ever met a fundemental "born again" Christian who really knew what they were talking about.........I was struck dumb in a sense. Most of the ones who were really genuine knew much more than I did when it came to talking about Jesus and what he really was.

    Guess a lot of that affected me over the years because now that I am no longer a JW, I am a "born again" (but by no means perfect) Christian no matter what anyone's opinion may be about it. At least I now know that I am not condemned by my imperfections and have to increase my monthly hours in order to be saved.


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