As an Ex-JW what have you learned?

by KW13 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • elliej

    I've learned that it's okay to be me. I don't have to pretend anymore, I don't have to try live up to the organizations expectations. I can enjoy life without feeling guilty or facing annihilation. I can still pick up the career that I dropped to serve the org and make a real difference in people's lives. I can celebrate. I'm free and it's good.

  • 144001

    Life is short. Live every day as if it will be your last. Some day it will be.

  • RichieRich

    Eyes forward. Head up. Sing loud.

    How to give a talk:

    Short, sweet, seat.

    Dealing with Elders:

    Try not to

    Dealing with Witness parents:

    You didn't lose if you let them win.

  • AlmostAtheist
    Dealing with Witness parents:

    You didn't lose if you let them win.

    You're over your quota for impressing me this month, Richie. Please hold all further nuggets of wisdom until February.


  • misspeaches

    This is what I've learnt:

    • Don't take things at face value. If someone tells you something make sure its accurate before crediting it as factual.
    • Embrace one anothers differences. You can learn much from those who are most different to yourself.
    • Develop some social skills. Certain things deemed appropriate as a JW are not appropriate within normal society.
    • Find out what you like. You no longer have an organisation dictating what you can and can't like so start experiencing things!
  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Where can one start?

    I have learned to love others for what they are - not what I can 'convert' them to being.

    I have learned to love life, for what it is now, and for what I think it might be sometime later.

    I have learned to accept that I don't know shyte from shinola, but someday I might, and if I don't that might be ok too.

    I have learned to love the idea of loving ideas. That is not the same as accepting all ideas, doctrine, and premise.

    I have learned to kick off the shackles of religious stricture that confines the spirit.

    I have learned to accept people for what they are today and what they might be tommorrow.

    I have learned to cherish life, not as a future commodity, but as a precious moment in present.

    I have learned that I do not know what truth is, nor even how to define it for sure. But I keep looking for it, not as a key to unlock life, but as a gem to illuminate it.


  • sass_my_frass


    ... how I love the freedom and joy it has brought me to have left that control. Being able to start my mind up, discovering myself, and what life is about. I'm learnign what life is about and I didn't think I could ever be this happy!

  • willyloman

    Here are 6 things I have learned, posted on another thread some days ago:

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