Did the elders ask for sexual details at your Judicial meeting?

by kid-A 43 Replies latest jw experiences

  • anewme

    My husband went with me for my JC meeting. That kept everybody very civil.

  • Forscher

    I was present at a Hearing on a minor girl who was raped. The elders demanded a blow by blow and stroke by stroke account of the experience and asked all those disgusting questions, then DF'd her anyway. That started me down the road to questioning the organization's stand with God.

  • littlerockguy

    I was never taken to a JC but could have been. I met when 2 elders after being inactive for a while and told them some of the things I did while inactive since I lived in a small town and I would rather them hear it from me first rather than through the gossip grapevine. They asked me if I committed fornication and I told them I have; they wanted to know if alcohol was also involved and was I smoking and stuff but they didn't go into any further questions. They decided not to get a JC together but they had enough on me to do so.

  • tweety

    After hearing JT's experience of being an elder and attending this particular JC....that is why I never attending my JC meeting. The last thing that I wanted was to be interrogated with detailed sexual questions. Because I did not attend the two JC meetings..they df'd me.

    well she came back into the room and sat down and the questions started again in a few min and at this point she refused to answer anymore questions LIKE THAT and she told us she would not answer THOSE TYPES OF QUESTIONs

    "Girl Friend" picked up her bag and walked out

    She was so smart for picking up her bag and leaving!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Afterwards they go home for rousing missionary sex with their wives."

    Now THAT is funny!!!!
    Believe me. It isn't funny to the wife

  • damselfly
    For those that were disfellowshipped for a "sex crime" did the Elders demand all the details and did you comply? Flat out refuse? Or make something up?

    At the start of my JC I was trying to be the good girl who would answer all their questions as truthfully as I could. When they started wanting more then was necessary, I reverted to "yes I had sex" for all of them.

    What really upset me was they had already asked me these types of questions 4 years previous during "counselling" for being molested. Exactly the same type of questions. And then they ask why I don't want to meet with them?!


  • bonnzo

    i had a friend who was asked if he fondled his girlfriends breasts while he performed oral sex on her. he couldn't believe the question!. i told him the brother who asked probably didn't know whether he should fondle breasts during oral sex. dumbasses all of them

  • serendipity

    When I went to my JC, I thought I would be asked a couple questions about frequency and whether the situations were planned. Boy, was I wrong. It was very difficult to answer these questions for 3 strangers:

    I got asked where I met the man, how long I had known him, how many dates we went on before we had sex, was I a virgin, how many times we had sex in a week (or month), what was I thinking while we had sex, was I an active participant, did I give him a BJ, did he force me to give him a BJ, how many times did I give him BJs, did I enjoy giving him BJs, where did we have sex, was I drinking or taking drugs, was I on birth control before we started having sex, did we use any birth control during the time we were having sex, did I attend any meetings or go out in service while in the relationship, were there any other men during this time, why didn't I approach the elders sooner.

    Some compared it to rape. I agree.

  • geevee

    I agree, very sad that they feel they have to ask those kinds of questions. Remember the mind set when you were there, as part of the borg. You want to be clean before Jah. You want nothing to hinder your trip to paradise.

    If you are told that these guys on your JC are there to "help" you, and that they will bring you back onto the course you strayed from, then most people, no matter how embarrassing and difficult it is, will tell all. They were appointed by HS were'nt they?

    I have served on JC's. Judge and jury. I am like JT very sorry for doing that. If I could undo it I would. Did I ask embarrassing questions, perhaps, but the pantie thing and questions about where, when frequency in one night....... And then there is this thing where you have a sister, single or married, there in a room with at least three guys, no support, not a parent, husband.

    In most of the cases I had been on, the person had confessed to one elder, who then followed WTS procedure, notified the PO, who then arranged for a JC. The JC were then told so and so has done___________ and it seemed unnecessary to ask to much, especially if they had already spilled their guts.

    But some of these guys dont/didn't have the internet and access to porn, a JC could be as close as they will get to getting a bit extra.

  • freedomlover

    holy crap you guys - this thread is revolting. I never had to sit through a JC but I've heard stories. It's just so unbelievable what some of these guys ask.

    Forshcer - your story made me want to vomit. that girl was raped twice. by the perp and the elders.

    they all deserve to be castrated for their nastiness.......

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