Beauty and the Geek

by Elsewhere 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    This morning on the news they had a fluff piece about how more and more hotties are dating geeks. Basically it all stemmed from a reality show where they teamed up hotties and geeks in contests. They showed several examples, such as Christina Aguilera who is dating a geeky guy.

    They interviewed two contestants from the reality show, a couple that resulted from being teamed up on the show. She talked about how she really liked how attentive he is... always opening car doors, etc... One thing they did not touch on that I noticed in the geeks personality is that even though he looked and carried himself like a classic geek, he also had a very assertive personality. No assertive in a mean way, he would just aggressively pursue the things he wanted. I suspect that also plays a significant part in her being attracted to him.

    What are your thoughts on this?

    Are you a hottie and you've got yourself a geek?

    Are you a geek and you've got yourself a hottie?

    -Elsewhere, of the Geeky Class

  • Robdar

    I've always been attracted to geeks. Don't get me wrong, I'm attracted to hotties too but I've always found geeks to be more mentally stimulating. Sexual attraction is all mental anyway. Give me a man who can stimulate my mind and my body will follow.

  • daystar

    <--- Reformed geek. It's all a lie. It's sort of a fad now for girls to be "geek-lovers". The problem is that they would not be caught dead with a true geek. They only really like the geek poseurs.

  • Robdar

    <--- Reformed geek. It's all a lie. It's sort of a fad now for girls to be "geek-lovers". The problem is that they would not be caught dead with a true geek. They only really like the geek poseurs. Hmmmm, I don't agree. My first husband had an iq of 170. He was bloody brilliant. He was also geeky. Unfortunately, we had different goals in life and eventually parted ways. Still, I am glad for the time I spent with him and we are still close after all these years.

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    I my geek!!!!

    He was so cute when we went to go see Star Wars and Batman and Sin City

    luv, jojo

  • kittyeatzjdubs
    It's sort of a fad now for girls to be "geek-lovers". The problem is that they would not be caught dead with a true geek. They only really like the geek poseurs.

    Hmmm...i must disagree. Matt's hardcore...our mantle is covered w/ action figures, as is every shelf in the house. Our refrigerator is a shrine for his Hell Boy magnets. The guest room is overrun with boxes of comic books. Our walls are bedecked with Frank Miller prints...and Matt is very hot...I was physically attracted to him before anything else. I don't deny that there are posers....I see them in the mall everyday with little hoochies. But then there are girls like me who are sincere and really love their geeky men.

    luv, jojo

  • damselfly

    I'm a geek and a hottie

    I geeks


  • kristyann

    "It's sort of a fad now for girls to be "geek-lovers". The problem is that they would not be caught dead with a true geek. They only really like the geek poseurs."

    I think you're right... they like the "emo guys" who purposely try to wear those thick glasses and "geeky" clothes... and they sit around and get all angsty about how geeky they are. But the problem is, they're not really "geeks" because all that stuff is "in" right now! I agree, I don't think most girls really want to date boys in sweatshirts with a picture of a wolf on them that want to pretend to have sword fights with each other on their front lawns.

  • jeanniebeanz
    geek poseurs

  • lonelysheep

    I've always had a thing for 'geeks'.

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