What do your kids say about shunning? Let's get a list going

by AlmostAtheist 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlmostAtheist

    I talked to Zachary (my 7-year-old) about shunning. I brought it up out of the blue, in the hopes of getting his real thoughts and not leading him into anything.

    Me: "Hey Zach. If God told you to never talk to me again, what would you do?"
    Zach: "I wouldn't do it. Stop talking to you, I mean."
    Me: "You'd IGNORE God?"
    Zach: (thinks for a few seconds) "Actually, I don't see how God would make me do that anyway. He's a nice guy."

    I loved that. He recognized the falsity of the situation I was presenting and simply dismissed it -- his god is a "nice guy".

    What do your kids say about shunning? Can you present a question about it in a neutral way, then record here the question and their answer?


  • sf

    Good topic.

    My fourteen year old daughter is flabbergasted at this policy. In fact, once she knew the definition of "policy" she became appauled.

    She realizes the damage it has done to me and trusts me when I convey to her that nothing she ever could do in her life, especially CHOOSING HER OWN BELIEF SYSTEM AND NETWORK would, warrant such demonstrative action on my part.

    She also laughs at my mothers blatant hypocrisy. Her fake concerns. Her 'mask' of emotions. Then, she cries. Remember, it's her grandmother. A grandmother who shares nothing with her grand daughter due to insane policies that have nothing to do with her. It is real sad when I stop to think about the innocent damage done to her based on my mothers devotion to a book publishing empire masked as a loving christian religion. My heart breaks for her.

    This organization causes such destruction in the family nucleus and effects so many innocent lives. It continues to baffle me as to why and how it can still be a functioning part of this country, and many others.

    My daughter is my life blood.


  • Effervescent
    I don't see how God would make me do that anyway. He's a nice guy."

    What is they say? "Out of the mouths of babes"???

    Smart guy your son!

  • Latte
    What do your kids say about shunning?

    Personally, I try never to mention JW matter's such as ‘shunning’ to my kids, I guess I feel that I would be passing on the crap mentality onto them. I want them to have a clean slate so to speak. Kids often do not pick up on such behaviour, but I guess if they do, then it need addressing.

  • greendawn

    Out of the mouth of babes you hear the truth, they are innocent and see the world as it really is.

  • lucifer

    when i was little i always said Hi to the df'ed people, i felt bad for them and didn't understand why we weren't allowed to talk to them

  • AlmostAtheist

    >>I try never to mention JW matter's such as ‘shunning’ to my kids, I guess I feel that I would be passing on the crap mentality onto them.

    Just my opinion of course, but I think that's a mistake. JW's are out there, as are mormons and Moonie's and the 15 cults being invented in some guy's garage as we speak. You're in a great position to innoculate your children against becoming involved in this stuff by telling them about your experiences.

    Even if you keep quiet, chances are good they'll never get sucked in anyway. But if they ARE sucked in, how would you feel later, knowing you had your chance to talk to them, and didn't?


  • sf

    {{{{ hugs self warmly }}}}

  • YoursChelbie

    My two children's response regarding whether they'd join any religious group that would order them to not speak to me:

    Older teen: "I wouldn't join. If they tell me not to talk to you, I'd say they are full of Sh*t."

    Elementary school child: (Regarding the same thing) "That's a weird religion."

  • whyizit

    My son (9yrs.) said:

    "That is mean and it goes against what God says. He says to honor your parents. Any one who says God wants us to do that, is a liar. I would never do that."

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