How Would You Respond?

by silentlambs 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Maximus

    Stephanus, if you are in touch with Ozziepost, tell him to check his mail. I'd like to borrow his leather jacket and other unmentionable gear.


  • Ranchette

    Does any one else have an oppinion on this letter?

  • blondie

    Children very, very rarely lie about something like this...I have seen this accusation made many times, mostly by child molesters and their supporters. This following article was interesting.

    The Myth of Epidemic False Allegations of Sexual Abuse in Divorce Cases

    by Merrilyn McDonald
    It is commonly believed that false allegations of sexual abuse in the context of divorce are epidemic, that most allegations made in the context of divorce are made by vindictive mothers and that these allegations are almost always false. These beliefs are not supported by scientific evidence.1 ...

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    I've just read you post and not the responses to it yet.

    So I'd just like to say who ever sent you that email sounds like a totally complete ASS.

    [QUOT]Get real. There is no way to stop this and your objections to their structure show how much you dont know about society in general. Nobody has an answer to this and you cant go around making accusations because a 10 year old says so.[/QUOTE]

    I guess his solution would be, we should all just take lifes problems and not do a dam thing about them.
    Just say "that's the way it is it will never change" just except, except, except. I wounder if this person even has a brain in his head.

    I'll defend your right to say it, but it doesn't mean I beleive it.

  • waiting
    You must pull your own wieght and be responsible for your kids.

    Ahhhh, the famous - blame it on the parents and not the molester. Of course, if the parents were *more* cautious - our child would never have been raped. How fabulous! One of the enormous problems with this is that molesters look like our friends, our neighbors, our husbands, our wives, our other words - they look and act exactly everyone else.

    Another enormous JW problem with this thinking is that we were brought into the Watchtower Organization with the promise of a Spirtual Paradise - new mothers, brothers, and sisters - for the ones we were abandoning. We just didn't know that we were getting new rapists also. Nobody told us that, now did they?

    The important thing is to stick with what God wants.

    Of course, only Jehovah's Witnesses know that one.

    If you are thinking that you will support only the perfect organizations than you are going to be one lonely chump

    Lord, I'd settle for a truthful one, freedom to come and go, honesty among the group, and a good strong policy to protect our children. Perfect? Impossible! Workable? Yes, and other groups are proving it.


  • voltaire

    Good point Sunstar! The" every-human-organization-is-imperfect" response is a straw-man argument. We all know that no one is perfect. No organization is perfect. No one ever made the claim that JW's have to be perfect. They only have to observe a few common sense policies. They wouldn't even have had to have gotten it right the first time, or the second time. But now the whole world is watching(or horefully will be soon). The solution is obvious. Now is the time to come forward, apologize, make reparations to the extent possible and move on. It's not the time to avoid making difficult changes because it will result in bad publicity. "No one is perfect", won't get you very far in a judicial meeting, even though it's perfectly true. The society has no excuse. It's time to take a deep breath and make the changes.

  • waiting

    Hey voltaire,

    "No one is perfect", won't get you very far in a judicial meeting, even though it's perfectly true.

    Excellent point.


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