How Would You Respond?

by silentlambs 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • silentlambs

    I know this is kind of like shooting fish in a barrel, but I just have to share this email I got a few minutes ago. I think it encapsulates the response many will have, no matter what is said about the molestation issue. I invite you read it, put yourself in my shoes, and see how you might offer a response. The email goes like this:

    "After reading your site I can only say that you outline your concerns but dont give any solutions. I dont know of any organization that employs the 'thought police' to eliminate any undesireable. Get real. There is no way to stop this and your objections to their structure show how much you dont know about society in general. Nobody has an answer to this and you cant go around making accusations because a 10 year old says so.

    What would you do if Johnny 10 year old got it wrong and you just humiliated a persons reputation and family? There is no right answer to this because we cant read minds. This will happen but your solution is just as man made and would lead to another problem.

    You must pull your own wieght and be responsible for your kids. Or are you saying we should all be reminded about your faults and explore your past so we can blackball you. Newsflash! We all have sinned and done stupid, senseless things to each other! And still will even after reading your web.

    I think you were victimized and want to blame everybody else for not stopping it. Sorry guy but this life sucks and even JWs dont have the perfect solution. I can come up with a million things that go wrong in any organization. If it is run by mortal men than you will get burned. The important thing is to stick with what God wants. First century Christians had wolves in the congregation but did not leave. If you are thinking that you will support only the perfect organizations than you are going to be one lonely chump. They dont exist in this system and never have.

    Grin and bear it and wait for the new system."

    Well, I am open to suggestion.....

  • gsark

    Shoot 'em all and let God sort them out!

    this is a humorous response people...J.O.K.E!!

    I would say this is a typical JW response and the first of many more to come. War is Hell...

    <"Get down off that cross; somebody needs the wood!">

  • anewperson

    They do seem to imply you had better "shut up" your exposing the Watchtower Society's policy of covering up child molestors etc, which means they themselves support the Watchtower and that policy; and since child-molestation is heinous, what they are saying is illogical, inhuman and sounds like it came from the WTS Governing Body's own first-hand toadies. Makes us all wonder if Leo Greenlees wasn't the only pedophile who ever sat on that so-called annointed body in Brooklyn. They really should have left you alone, Bill. This can only boomerang on them, compound their problems.

  • Maximus

    First order of business, go to bed and get a good night's sleep, Bill. Er, count sheep.

    Second, tell me to do the same!

    The writer betrays his own lack of understanding of society. Obviously he has no idea about the dynamics of child abuse, and thinks just like the Society that some good Scripture-reading and strong Bible counsel can fix the molester for good--if he repents!

    After all, the Society in its letter to the body of elders August 1, 1995 said: "It is good to remember that the Bible, at Matthew 12:31 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, shows it is possible for a person to stop his or her wrongful course, repent, and thereafter live in harmony with God's righteous standards. This is true of all wrongdoers--even a former child abuser."

    Proof positive they know absolutely nothing about the nature of abuse. Doesn't that trivialize this sick crime by lumping it in with the sinner of 1 Corinthians?

    Your writer knows nothing of the positive programs out there in Catholic dioceses, or Episcopalian, Lutheran and Presbyterian churches. JWs are a half century behind, still stuck in thoughts about demons leaping into the picture and curing the perp by constant moralizing. And suggesting his therapy be FIELD SERVICE, along with meetings and prayer.

    Nobody has an answer to this? Where has he been hiding. Ah, yes, in the Kingdom Hall preaching platitudes.

    Hey, jerk; we're not trying to fix genetics or behavior, we're just trying to get the Society to address the real issue, which is the protection of kids not the fear of tarnishing someone's rep. Come to think of it, isn't their silence really fear of tarnishing GOD'S rep? The organization's marvelous rep? Same thing.

    Stick with what God wants? This jaybird has never heard of Romans 13, the Superior Authorities, whose business it is to check out serious stuff like a kid's complaint of sexual abuse. JW elders certainly are not trained to do it, but there are professionals out there who can and do every day in our society. What about the family doctor? Specialists? Police? Like they've never experienced a story by Johnny that is not true?

    Do they make mistakes? I'm sure they do. This is the very sticking point of the good old boys on the GB, who can't stomach the thought that some little kid could ruin the reputation of one of the "glorious ones," their elders.

    Where is his sense of moral obligation to look out for children? Not say anything for fear of "humiliating" someone? Give me a break! Trot out early Christian behavior? Shame on him! Want me to cite a Scripture about how Jesus felt about children and the fate to those who would harm them?

    The PR releases from Brooklyn say child abuse is a "serious crime." Why don't they treat it that way? Caesar has been around for a long time, there have been Watchtower articles on the subject. The answer is the superior authority, "for it is God's minister for you." The solution is to give positive encouragement to the reporting of child abuse--to the appropriate authorities. Take this part of it out of the judicial process that grinds to preserve the "purity of the congregation."

    We don't offer solutions?


    Let him wait for the new system. I'm working at dragging this organization into the fifteenth century or higher, screaming and kicking if need be.

    When I've done what my Christian conscience tells me to, I'm out of here, to get a life.

    Guys like this have to be hit between the eyes with a bludgeon, perhaps, like the farmer who whacks his mule, to get its rapt attention.

    I have a suggestion for this jerk; it's unprintable.

    BTW, Bill; I turn my mail off once in awhile. You don't have that luxury.

  • sunstarr

    At what point did the issue ever become supporting "perfect organizations?" Isn't the real issue here that the Witnesses are subverting law? Laws have been created to protect the public from these monsters who take pleasure in abusing children. Were those law-makers "mind readers?" Cleary not! How about the judges or jury panels who sit and listen to these trials? Is it this individual's suggestion that we simply dismiss all law because occasional mistakes are made? Perhaps we should dismiss laws on murder because innocent people are put in prison on rare occasions. Laws on theft? Witnesses like to quote the scripture that says "Pay back Caesar's things to Caesar, but God's things to God," thus indicating that they abide by law. Has it escaped this person's insight that reporting child molesters IS LAW? It's certainly amazing to me that God's "pure organization" would take part in blatant cover-ups rather than expose its offenders. This is just another example of a Witness attacking what threatens the "harmoniously-joined" WBTS.

  • wasasister

    This comment sums it up for the abuser:

    What would you do if Johnny 10 year old got it wrong and you just humiliated a persons reputation and family?

    Using the term, "Johnny-10-year-old" demeans the victim and implies Johnny can't possibly distinguish right from wrong. I've raised two kids and let me attest to the fact - 10 year olds KNOW when something is wrong.

    It's the same old, put the burden on the victim mentality.

    This kind of thinking makes me shudder. I wonder how he/she would feel if they were "Johnny's" parent???

  • Ranchette

    I have a hard time believing someone could claim to have read the silentlambs site that contains all thos heart wrenching experiences and still come away with this kind of attitude!
    They didn't read it or they are just plain blind and heartless!
    They made a statement something like,The important thing is doing what God wants.Did the person stop and read what they were saying?
    God wants nothing to do with these policies designed by this organization that allow so many to be hurt.And this persons rationalizing these policies and the organization that made them, by saying they're not perfect, is a COPOUT!
    That goes over with me about as good as a criminal trying to keep from going to prison by saying, " but we're all imperfect,I shouldn't have to go to jail for just making a mistake! We all make mistakes."

    There are different levels of mistakes and negligence and there are different consequences for them all.The God I worship would hold anyone accountable that had the power to do something about this but instead arrogantly refuse!
    I don't know what you could say to a person like this and make a difference.Maybe you could just foward them this thread.

  • BoozeRunner

    Such IGNORANCE!!!

    It is amazing how the JW hierarchy will "sacrifice" an R&F member to "make a point", but will overlook, er, COVER UP the actions of their "elite" members for the sake of not looking bad.
    The writer of that email needs to wake up and smell the crap that the BORG is shoveling.

    Pedophilia is NOT a simple "mistake." It is a disgusting, premeditated act in that a person must constantly surround themselves with new victims, trick them into trusting them, and then "strike."

    And who the hell is looking for perfection in an organization? How just holding to the moral standards that they preach so vociferously about? Their claims of being such a morally abiding "people" has been severely compromised when it comes to this subject ALONE.

    All I can say is UGHHHH!!!!!


  • Stephanus

    Perhaps this email should be aired as part of the Dateline report. It'd show how much the Dubs want to protect the "clean reputation" of their, I mean "Jehovah's" organisation.

    What if Johnny 10 year old IS telling the truth, arsehole!

  • Simon

    It never ceases to amaze me how many people bother to email telling you how you have got it wrong or that your site is a tool of satan or whatever.

    If only these people could listen to what they sound like! I don't know if they are genuine people or whether it is some crazy WT campaign to waste our time responding to them all. Here's one I just got:

    Hello my name is *****.I am from *****. I am a Jehovah witness by
    the way and i was wondering if some way i can talk to other Jehovah witness on the computer.I will be grateful for this.Also are their going to be any more new watchtowers and awakes.

    ps:please write back

    What do you think?

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