If we forgive everyone who sins against us, does that not free us from sin?

by DavidChristopher 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Narkissos

    I love bebu's idea of forgiving God.

    To a post-theist atheist that can include, imo, forgiving him for not existing.

    (To those who might doubt it I'm not being sarcastic at all; I think it's quite similar to the kind of "forgiveness" we have to grant, for instance, to a dead person for having "left us alone").

  • Navigator

    Sin, by definition, is that which separates us from God. Since nothing can ever separate us from God, there can never be any such thing as sin. Only in our human minds can we be hurt or harmed by anyone. That part of us that was created in perfection, in the image and likeness of God, can never be hurt or harmed by anything that happens on this plane of existence. True forgiveness consists of realizing that nothing has hurt or harmed you in any way. When the bible says, "Don't Judge", what it really means is don't condemn anyone. It is not our place to do so. God does not hold us responsible for the things we do while we are unconscious. The problem is, we do hold ourselves responsible and the memory of past mistakes will no doubt be very painful to us when we get to do our "life review". It will be especially painful when we come to realize that we ourselves have been the author of the events that have taken place in our lives. This is OUR dream, or nightmare as the case may be.

  • DavidChristopher

    So what you are saying is...that if sins are forgiven, there is nothing seperating us from Jehovah? What is the difference between "sin", mistake, goof, crime, wrong turn, wrong decision made from faulty information, error, etc?

    What word would you use as a politician to describe your "mistake" or "crime"?

    Would someone rob and kill another person if he KNEW God was real and knew about it?

    Did he make the wrong decision, based on the information he had at the time?

    What is going to happen when GWB finds out God is real, and has a few questions for him?

    What about all the crooked preachers using Jehovah's name to steal, mislead, and satisfy their desires for power and control over the weaker people he put them in charge of. What are they going to do when God proves Himself alive and well, and well informed of their crimes?

    They are going to be happy to see Him right? Or did they "make bad decisions based on limited information"?

    Any thoughts? What should Jehovah do about it? What would you do if you were Him?

  • free2beme

    Sin is all about perspective

  • reaper

    Forgiveness is all about US. If we do not forgive the vilest of crimes against us or someone we love, we will carry it with us all our lives and it will destroy us eventually.

    Hate for anyone will eat us up. It is a proven fact that our emotions can destroy our cellular structure, and ALL negative emotions are stored in the lymbic system, which is a part of the thalamus gland. Everything we have ever seen, heard, smelt, touched etc is stored in our lymbic system. Therefore hate, unforgiveness, jealosy etc which can be taught from infancy are stored in the lymbic and can affect our whole life. We have delicate energetic systems within our bodies, which can become unbalanced and have devastating effects on our lives.

    So my comments on saying 'only saying sorry' is not enough if we don't mean it. Forgiveness has to be REAL. But what I did say, was forgiving terrible crimes against us is difficult, but not impossible. Jesus said that his food was to do the will of the Father, which was to show LOVE to everyone. So that is what he looks for, in us.

    We met a Christian couple who forgave the murderers of their Son. The gang of youth kicked him to death, but they forgave them, and even write to one of them who is still in jail. People have committed terrible things because of the hate they are fed on, but if they are shown love, they often change.

    Therefore I leave ALL judging to the only one who knows our hearts, Yeshua the King and Saviour of mankind.

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