They Tell The Elders One Thing And The Others Something Else!

by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free
    voting or joining a political party is still considered an act offor which you'll be disfellowshipped. anyone have something new on this?

    I accepted employment with and joined a political party and the JW elders that knew about it thought it was "really cool" (their words). They made me "account servant" shortly after that. But they removed my privileges when they found out I was taking part time computer courses on Saturday afternoons.


  • IMustBreakAway

    I thought for sure i read something about this in the last year or so. I'll have to check. You're probably right.

  • minimus

    Being politically involved by voting will show that YOU have disassociated YOURSELF.

  • Finally-Free
    Being politically involved by voting will show that YOU have disassociated YOURSELF.

    I guess the society disassociated themselves when they had their 10 years of fornication with the UN. W

  • Virgogirl

    Hmmm, good thread! I wonder why my elder at work isn't pioneering instead of working a full time job? His wife works full time too, long hours, and they both rake in good money. They have no children at home to support. So, they really could pioneer, it seems like, or at least one of them could! Practice what you preach!

  • minimus

    I believe there's a lot of pressure on elders to pioneer, do more, etc.


    Yes pressure from self-righteous a**hole elders who still live in mommies basment and work 2-3 days a week at a fake out job. These are the same guys who sodomize the CO with their noses when he comes to town to get assembly parts.

  • Mary
    Can you think of other things that show that the Organization is hypocritical???

    Are you kidding? Where do I start?

    R&F aren't supposed to go to university to get a degree, but Bethel is full of lawyers, doctors, and computer engineers that all went to university courtesy of the WTS.

    All the churches who teach false doctrines are from their father the Devil and will be destroyed by Jehovah, no matter that their hearts were in the right place.

    When the WTS teaches false doctrines, Jehovah forgives them and pats them on the back because their hearts are in the right place.

    If you smoke, believe Jesus died on a cross, believe that references in the bible are referring to literate Jews and not "spiritual Jews", celebrate Christmas, New Years, or Easter you are the spaw of Satan and will be murdered by Jehovah God at Armageddon as an apostate.

    Charles Russell was chosen by Jehovah to "restore pure worship" and he smoked, believed Jesus died on a cross, believed that the Jews were still God's chosen people, and celebrated Christmas and Easter.

    Catholics are stupid, because they equate everything the Pope says, as coming straight from God.

    Witnesses must believe that everything the Governing Body says is coming straight from God.

    Everyone who goes to church should ask their minister/priest the "tough" questions about their religion. If they can't answer it, you know it can't be the Truth.

    Every Witness cannot ask the elders the "tough" questions about the religion. To do so will get you branded as an "apostate".

    I could go on, but I think you get the idea.........

  • jwfacts

    As VM44 said, the Aust bethel needed a lawyer for their legal department so they took a CO into bethel and then paid to put him through uni.

  • minimus

    Mary, how do you know Russell smoked?

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