Musings from a JW message board pt. 1

by jeeprube 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jeeprube

    Here the latest gem I've found from a JW message board.

    Under the topic "Afraid this board will become Apostate" the moderator writes:

    This is one of my greatest worries and so I am a over protecter of this site and believe me I have a big fear letting anyone post I find unforthcoming in their request to join. Unless I trust you sorry you will not be posting on the site. And unless those ones who have put zero information on their personal pages startes to then I will delete them before long. That is why we have new members but we are not growing as fast as you would think....we should have close to 200 and because I have deleted a bunch that is why net numbers stay the same. And I have and will continue to watch our site like a hawk for any persons who might lean towards thinking that would tear our strong faith down in any way. However if there is a misunderstood post by a member well that means the two folks that have that misunderstanding should work it out with love and christian behaviour. I did not fight for my life this last week I might add,

  • stillajwexelder

    lean towards thinking that would tear our strong faith down in any way.

    How can their faith be so strong if they can not read anything with slight apostate leaning?

  • IronClaw
    I have and will continue to watch our site like a hawk for any persons who might lean towards thinking that would tear our strong faith down in any way.

    You can't tear something down if its not there to begin with. And if you are afraid of your faith being torn down, then you need to reconsider the shape your faith is in.

  • FairMind

    Truth is not afraid of the light. That was my reasoning when i began questioning the WTS' attempted control of information we can consider.

  • Honesty
    And I have and will continue to watch our site like a hawk for any persons who might lean towards thinking that would tear our strong faith down in any way.

    I would hate to fear that my faith could be threatened by what other people have to say:

    Romans 8:38-39 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers,

    nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing will have the power to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord!

  • AlmostAtheist

    >>I was told by three Doctores unless I took blood I was not going to make....yeah I am and almost as fisty as before

    It's sobering to hear them speak of nearly handing over their lives like this. *shudder* Coulda been me...


  • Kenneson

    I belong to one of those boards myself. Recently someone posted the article about the Bethelite who sued the Watchtower Society. Another poster agreed with the content. Whoa!!!!! Did she stir up a hornet's nest. Now they're suspicious she is an apostate and there is talk of deleting her. Don't know what the outcome will be. Isn't it interesting how defensive Jehovah's Witnesses are of the Watchtower Society. They equate suing the Society to being against Jehovah, etc. Oh, and someone brought up the passage where Paul says brothers shouldn't sue one another. So, I asked why it was alright to sue someone who is not a brother. NO ONE HAS YET RESPONDED TO MY POST!!!!!!!

  • purplesofa

    Obviously his .........watching the site like a hawk is not doing too well or the information would not have been able to be posted here...........

    It's like I told my mother this weekend............Your love for your husband was so strong that you did not fear talking to other men or need daily reminders of how to love was strong and not threatened in any way.

    I think there is a scripture that says test out your faith.........

    and why have it deleted .....ok now I am laughing.........sorry


  • jgnat

    If Sherry got down to three, she very nearly died. There may already be damage to her major organs which will shorten her life overall, even if she pulls out of this emergency. She is going to have a very rough time of it in the next few months.

  • Billygoat

    And I have and will continue to watch our site like a hawk for any persons who might lean towards thinking that would tear our strong faith down in any way.

    Even as a child, this was something I never understood. If I was a true Christian, Jehovah protected me, and I was a part of the one and only true religion, then WHY was it so bad to question what I didn't understand??? I didn't get it. Did people really feel that Satan was THAT much stronger than Jehovah???

    Sad really.

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