JWs and depression

by jstalin 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • jstalin


    It seems that there is a high rate of depression amongst JWs. Does the JW religion cause depression, or are depressed people drawn to the JWs?


  • AlmostAtheist

    It's certain that religion in general and any love-bombing, happy-future-awaits group like the JW's in particular would attract depressed people.

    I think it's a very reasonable conclusion that the constant guilt tripping and soul-crushing calls to conformance JW's hear every day would also lead to depression. Add that to the mental backflips they have to perform in order to believe God wants them to shun family members and let kids die, and I'm amazed that they aren't ALL depressed.


  • Brigid

    I believe a little of both. And the neuroses are definitely not confined to depression. I remember when I got "out" I was amazed that the norm is not chronic illness (those weird ailments that seem to afflict witnesses), eating disorders and depression. It was such an eye opener.

    It is definitely a fringe religion and therefore attracts the damaged-those who do not fit into mainstream life (at least those who convert). If you look at the fringes of all religions, you find the mal-adjusted: Islam has its extremists (ala Taliban), Christians have their Jehovah's Witnesses (again, ala Taliban), and even Judaism has their ultra orthodox--all vying for "special" recognition from God.

    I'm not knocking the mal-adjusted and damaged--I'm one myself, probably. I just haven't reacted to my particular strain with trying to impose my schema upon everyone else, as do religious fanatics when challenged by an ever changing world.

    Good topic. I'm kind of new here (used to be on a few years ago as Bridgette, went away for a while--good to be back in my Brigid incarnation).


  • Joyal

    I agree that it is a little of both. I know I was depressed, alone and away from my family when I first came in contact with them. They offered me a social and family "circle" that I definitely needed.

    After I found out about the lies I was taught, that caused an entirely different type of depression and angst. Still going through it now.


  • Brigid


    Are you still in? The depression gets better. When I used to think about all the wasted years (practically from birth) that I lost to the Corporation, I would get depressed or resentful: No college education, loss of family relationships, etc. But I can honestly say now that I do not regret a single moment. I truly feel my life's path has taken and continues to take me where I need to go. The dark corners only help me find the contrasting light. I really do not feel animosity to witnesses, I only want them to be honest. That's why we're here--to keep them honest.



  • Genesis

    JW cause depression, it happen to me several times. I got sick of waiting for the newsystem and the death of the wicked... Im in recovery from all this cult sh*t (sorry I need to vent it). Ive found that reading self-help books and doing exercise is helping me to cure, give it a try. Genesis

  • slugga

    Have you heard the kingdom melodies?

    Music to slit your wrists to !

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I've found it amazing to see how many members of the congregation I am associated with suffer from some form of depression. Of course, there are also many people who suffer from it as well, I myself have a number of non witness family members that have depression.
    Does the Watchtower Society contribute to the depression amongst its members? I feel that it really depends upon the situation. If someone is generally well liked in the hall, has lots of friends and is well supported then the KH may be a place that helps them battle their depression. I have seen a few people at the hall where you can tell that they get their strenghts from their good friends at the hall. On the other hand i've seen people who are on the "outside" when it comes to friendships, and these seem to be the ones that really suffer. They feel that the congregation has let them down, Jehovah dosn't love them, ect. ect. ect.
    Don't get me wrong, the entire mindset of the religion plays into the minds of the members as well. I've also seen many of these ones (regarless of their friendships) feel "unworthy" because of their place in life.
    There are so many problems in this world, I really don't feel that people who are depressesed need something else to make them feel unwanted and alone. I see the KH like the many other "social" places of gathering. It can have it's pros and cons for these people, sometimes much more cons than pros.

  • greendawn

    The JW environment is not a wholesome, supportive, and loving one and this in addition to the severe demands that they place on people plus the intimidation with the destructive jehovah image can easily lead to emotional strain and depression.

  • ferret

    I always blamed my depression on my job, It was not till I left the borg that I realized that's what caused the depression.

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