Why do you read the Literature?

by lime05 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • lostlantern

    My mom brings me the magazines like clockwork. I scan through them and I do find some interesting articles. Some subjects I actually enjoy and and some items I just enjoy relating to my husband so I can watch him laugh. Now my mother wants me to listen to her WT on CD, not quite up for that.

  • Honesty

    Because I'm searching for NEW to replace the OLD that was CURRENT just a few months ago.

  • reneeisorym

    I use the watchtower CD some. When I read the Bible and say, "Why don't they read this scripture and find out that that doctrine is wrong?" Then I look at it in the CD and find some crazy explination for it. A great deal of the time they have changed it in the NWT.

  • Ellie

    Haha, good reason for reading the literature Lime, although I personally find them more depressing than funny.

  • IMustBreakAway

    I haven't read anything seriously for years. Mostly i write at the meetings or make little origami cranes out of time slips. Though i am studing the SI book with my wife for our "family study." I am hoping that it will afford me the chance to point out biblical errors. (must be sudtle with her. i like her and all..)

  • IP_SEC

    The NWT makes awesome rolling paper. I usually read the bit right before it turns to ash and try to make application.

  • Terry
    Why do you read the LITERATURE?

    Don't you love how the mind-control mavens in Brooklyn shape their evil fiction inside our mind by damaging the very

    Judge Rutherford, on the other hand, was ham-fisted in his feckless prose. His bloated books putrified language like rotting sausages. His art of persuasion was not of the intellect, but rather, of the stentorian bully with spittle and venom lacing his every paragraph.

    "Could well mean" was intended to read "damn well does mean" in Freddy's hands.

    And, we like the legendary lemmings, ran off our local cliff into the roiling waters of self-destruction at his beckoned call.

    Why would any sane person still read this poisonous screed which purports to be God's revealed will for mankind?

    Many of us are like sleeper-cell agents with brainwash instructions lurking in our subconscious. Every once and awhile we get "the call" and return to our own vomit for directions.

    DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE this lurking program's power inside your head! BEWARE! Terry


  • Finally-Free

    I don't read Watchtower publications any more. They have nothing to offer.


  • daystar

    I don't. Haven't in nearly fifteen years. I think if I had to I would vomit.

  • Think

    The WT literature is opposite of true literature.

    To many people this is just selpromoting sales pich, clever sales letter to convince people how "holy" they are, that they are the only one " Having the TRUTH !!! That is THE HOOK !!! and so many get hooked !!!

    Like: my eggs are the best eggs on the plane !!! Even they are vipers eggs and are rotten, they are still the best !!!

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