"Civilization as we know it is coming to an end soon", documented...

by one 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • one


    tanks for posting it in a more readable form

    inecessity is the mother of invention

    At least Bush already signed the energy bill. Nuclear, hydrogen, fuel cell are on the list of "inventions"

    or when the volcano in Yellowstone National Park Blows



    why waste it to break hydrogen free?

    so that even present vehicles could use it, otherwise cars would have to converted to electrical and work as a trolley, connected to a hot electrical wire, from the electrical power plant. NOt a bad idea in some cases.


    They didn't know the car was about to become popular. There you have it, lack of vision, uninformed population at the time.

    sass_my_frass ,

    According to economic theory, oil will never run out, just get too expensive for most people.

    reallly? then how scarce will it become before it "get too expensive for most people"


    if peak oil does come, and civilization does collapse etc etc, (sigh), i guess i will just deal with it then.

    it may not actually collapse, but gasoline price world wide a few month ago, gave us and idea,

    "deal with it then", not much we can do now individuallly.

  • stillajwexelder

    Only a total brain dead idiot would have said we can have 1$ per gallon gasoline forever. Ir I was president now that gas has come down to about $2.30 per gallon, I would slap a federal tax of 50 cents per gallon on it . This would ensure the price would stay realtively high and encourage the boys in Detroit to design gas efficient cars. All the money would pay off some US debt and the rest could go into energy research

  • one


    I have been running around in circles trying to fins a place to hide. I am so scarred

    to make sure you continue runnning in circles efficiently, buy yourself a bycicle and and a small motorcyle, keep them in good shape, you never know, no big investment.

    BTW, you can modifed it to run on gas..., take it as a hobby.


    Ir I was president now that gas has come down to about $2.30 per gallon, I would slap a federal tax of 50 cents per gallon on it .

    I support you, are you ruuning on 2008?

  • Gopher
    If I was president now that gas has come down to about $2.30 per gallon, I would slap a federal tax of 50 cents per gallon on it . This would ensure the price would stay realtively high and encourage the boys in Detroit to design gas efficient cars. All the money would pay off some US debt and the rest could go into energy research

    Isn't the gasoline/petrol tax already very high in Western Europe and the U.K.? Has it decreased their consumption? Anyhow, president "Dubbya" Bush wouldn't apply a federal tax, even if it made some sense. He's got buddies in the oil industry, and he wouldn't want to drive their next-quarter earnings down!

  • daniel-p

    "End of the world" theorists sully an otherwise important message: our society whould not depend on oil as much as we currently do for energy and transportation purposes.

  • stillajwexelder

    Isn't the gasoline/petrol tax already very high in Western Europe and the U.K.? Has it decreased their consumption? Yes and most of the cars over there are much more fuel efficient and the public transportation systems are better

  • Gopher

    Isn't the gasoline/petrol tax already very high in Western Europe and the U.K.? Has it decreased their consumption? Yes and most of the cars over there are much more fuel efficient and the public transportation systems are better
    It seems that the Europeans are light-years ahead in their planning, and that we Americans are held hostage to a political system that wants the oil-dependent status quo to continue.

  • one

    Germany is the greatest market for PV cells.

    I beleive usa tax on gasoline is about only 20%

  • moshe

    I did an analysis recently about the cost of the war in Iraq. Had the US spent all the Iraq war money instead on a massive wind farm in key areas of the great plains instead, it would produce enough electricity for 1/3 of the residential homes in America. Soon enough money will have been spent for 50% of the homes in the US to have renewable power. What do you think would have happened to the price of Texas crude oil if our government had done this? And that my friends is why our capitalistic system will ultimately destroy the middle class in the America, unless we throw out both ruling parties and elect a new one that will move us to a totally renewable energy based economy. Otherwise, the rising graph of future oil prices will leave everybody but the top 1% literally "out in the cold".



  • stillajwexelder

    So France generates over 60% of power from Nuclear - and then electrifies its railways - so it would not be totally hostage to fortune. Norway has huge Hydro-Electric Power plants and most of its power stations are CHP which are very efficient. Denmark and Sweden also mix their power sources and generation and is big on CHP. The UK while it was a net oil exporter has developed Natural Gas Power generation and also CHP power stations and is also along with Denmark investing heavily into wind-farms. They are lagging behind on elecrtifying their railways though. And of course in Europe in general the tax on Gasoline/petrol is high so it encourages building fuel efficient cars and hybrids.

    The United Sates is sadly lagging way behind on alternative fuels and fuel efficient vehicles and could well be hostage to fortune unless it goes to war in the Middle East and just takes the oil. In the last 3 decades no nuclear power stations have been built and very little money on alternative power generation and if anything with gas guzzling super SUVS , fuel economy has worsened.

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