by minimus 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    JWs visiting Christian churches to attend their religious services.

    Everyone participating in the memorial emblems.

    Inviting apostates round for a meal.

    Cursing the FDS and looking forward to a heavenly life though not "annointed"

    Giving generously to the charities.

  • minimus

    A Circuit Overseer tells the congregation to "not kill themselves, do less".

  • mark hughes
    mark hughes

    Using the Gideons bible, that you picked up at a sleazy hotel, while door knocking with your CO.

    Inviting an elder round for a bbq with your wife in a g-string bikini and you in an apron with a naked womans torso printed on the front. (you know the ones I mean we've all got them)

    An elder invites you round for lunch but you say you are fasting for ramadam.

    Walking up to the contributions box and putting 2 pence or 1 cent in it.

    Asking for your money back from the brother selling books at the kingdom hall because you couldn't get anyone to buy them.

  • minimus

    Telling the service group about the great anal/oral sex you had with your dear spouse.....Answering and sliding in comments like,"as we know, this is our current understanding. Who knows if it will change again next year???"......Going on vacation with other Witnesses and reading "Crisis of Conscience" at the beach.

  • Blueblades

    Sister's and Brother's can now wear thongs at the pool / beach and join a nudist colony, some may need to have some one close by to protect the children from perverts.


  • stillAwitness


    $100 dollars in quarters to view thier favorite movies

    I don't get it? Why would you need quaters to view movies?? And at a store?


  • minimus

    XXX video peep show store that sells videos

  • prophecor
    I don't get it? Why would you need quaters to view movies?? And at a store?

    Holy Cheese & Crackers, I forgot they take dollar bills now.

  • RichieRich

    OO I've got another!

    They are hanging out with Richie.

  • steve2
    Have you ever seen "Girls Gone Wild"? Imagine seeing "Jehovah's Witnesses Gone Wild!!!"----Can you picture Witnesses taking a bite out of that blood sausage just because they're dared to?? Or a JW peeking around tat "R" rated movie and then actually going in??? Oh my god!......Can you think of any other scenes where Witnesses are going "wild"????

    Fact is, each years tens of thousands of JWs do these very things and worse. In secret. The mistake some of them make is confessing or getting caught or both. Even as we write, some elder somewhere is having a torrid affair with another elder's wife, some wearly old pioneer is slinking away to a cafe rather than trudging around in the ministry, countless young JWs, male and female alike, are getting tattoos in ever more bold places and on and on and on.

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