FRIDAY the 13th What your take?

by xjwms 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • xjwms

    So far my day is great.

    I hope yours is as well...!!!

  • james_woods

    I have an excellent travel book by Ian Fleming (the James Bond author) called "Thrilling Cities". He took an around the world tour and tells about his experiences. Fleming liked to fly on Friday 13th because so many people were afraid to that the flights were never crowded. He had James Bond do the same in some of the novels.

    However, he was flying from Tokyo to Honolulu on a Friday 13th in a DC6 prop airliner, and sure enough the #4 engine catches on fire. The pilot feathers it and hits the extinquishers. They have to divert to Midway island and make an emergency landing, which comes off without any problems. He then admits to having second thoughts about the Friday 13th thing!

    As an aside, while stuck on Midway with nothing to do while they get another plane - he gets to talking to the customs agent. He had a number of parrots there in quarantine for a few weeks before they could be imported to the States. This guy was amusing himself by teaching them to say naughty words as a little surprise for their new owners...

  • jaffacake

    I hate all superstition, not just the Jehovah's Witness or religious type, but astrology, belief in demons etc etc.

    Anyway.... isn't it very unlucky to be superstitious?

  • Dansk

    Sad Emo:

    Dansk -

    I still won't walk under ladders but that's because I'm a health and safety nut! I do walk under if the alternative is to walk in the road though - the lesser of two evils methinks!

    I'd say that's reasonable thinking! Something could always drop from above - and I've seen people walk in the road while cars have been up close. Just goes to show how being supserstitious could actually get oneself killed So, best not to be superstitious.


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