Comment to Fundie Sister-in-law

by Undecided 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    Hi All,

    I have gotten a little mean in my old age. My sister-in-law is a born again Church of God life time member and sometimes is a little dogmatic. I love to point out fallacies in her religious thinking.

    This might have been a little unfeeling on my part but she was talking to my wife about a tragic happening in her life 26 years ago. Her only child died a few days after birth. She was recalling what a friend had told her when it happened. She said, well you can have another child and that will help overcome you grief. She said how could anyone think like that?

    I said, well that's the way God thinks. Remember Job? God let all his children be killed and by giving him more children he was considered blessed. And that was just to prove to the devil that someone would worship him without being bribed by wealth and children. She didn't have an answer.

    Ken P.

  • MadApostate

    While "Amazing" is reworking/playing around with various Biblical accounts, maybe he shuld rework the "Job account" from the perspective of the 10 People (Job's children) whose lives were valued as meaningless, such that they were alowed to be sacrificed just to try to piss off their father.

  • AlanF

    "As flies to wanton boys, are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport." (Shakespeare: King Lear IV.i.)


  • Silverleaf

    Hi Ken!

    I don't think you were being especially mean. Granted your sisiter-in-law's experience was tragic, and her friend's response was crude, but you were commenting on the fact that she could not understand how someone could be so callous. I find it amazing that so many fundies can have very little regard for the feelings and beliefs of others and treat them like garbage, yet they are able to see very clearly when someone else says something that hurts their feelings.


  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    You really blew it, Ken.
    The woman was probably too nice to point out your ignorance of scripture and valid doctrine. You have been taught typical JW rationalism and you have no idea that the soul is immortal. Job knew that his dead loved ones had been called home to paradise (as the Jews believed, we know it as heaven) and he would see them in the afterlife. Plus, he had been blessed with even more when God restored things to him. He actually doubled his loved ones! Even those who are killed in earthly judgement are ahnging around in eternity, children are under no accountability.
    Before you go making a fool of yourself again with a born-again Christian, you need to actually see what they believe and WHY they believe it!

    You need to quit painting all with one, wide brush. People are individuals and not 'fundys'. You will not find any less variety there than any other group, just much less psycholgical problems and disfunctional personalities.

  • willy_think

    the thing is, to her, her dead kid is still alive in heven as job's kids are.
    the WT thinking would not be her thinking. to her it is the same. she would be doublely blessed. as job was.
    filling the voide left buy loss in your life does help people overcome there grief. but telling them that when the loss is still so fresh is not helpful and may be hertful.

    "children are under no accountability"

    i think this is an interesting statement. could you tell me your reasoning when you came to this conclusion? i have gone back and forth on it my self.

    the ideas and opinions expressed in this post do not necessiarly represent those of the WTB&TS inc. or any of it's subsidiary corporations.
  • Cygnus


    If people go to paradise when they die, why do they need a resurrection?

  • Undecided

    Hi Rex,

    If you born again Christians really believed you go to heaven to meet God at death, why do you fight death with every thing in your power. If I beleived that, I would be hoping my children would die and me with them. If those gold streets and beautiful mansions were really what you believed were your reward why delay it? I think you have doubts, now fess up.

    Ken P.

  • Silverleaf

    Hi Rex,

    You wrote:

    You need to quit painting all with one, wide brush. People are individuals and not 'fundys'. You will not find any less variety there than any other group, just much less psycholgical problems and disfunctional personalities. <<

    Well, Rex, I will admit that I sometimes use the word 'fundy' as a derogatory term but I don't always mean 'all Christians' when I use it. Of course everyone is an individual, and some individuals are 'fundies,' you know the type, know-it-alls, cramming their beliefs down other people's throats and looking down their noses with disdain on anyone who is not as dedicated or faithfaul as they are. It was that group of people I was referring to, not all Christians of course - and Ken called his SIL a fundie first so I assume HE thinks she is one. Since I don't know her, I can't be sure, but I'll take his word for it in this forum.

    Now as far as there being >>less psycholgical problems and disfunctional personalities<< - I assume you're referring to Christians in general, not 'fundies' per se? Because anyone who is a "know-it-all, cramming their beliefs down other people's throats and looking down their noses with disdain on anyone who is not as dedicated or faithfaul as they are," has, by definition, a psychological problem and a dysfunctional personality. Wouldn't you agree?

    Speaking from personal experience, had I actually encountered >>less psycholgical problems and disfunctional personalities<< among fundamentalists, I might be one today.


  • Eyebrow2


    If Job believed in an immortal soul, then why did he beg to die and go to shiloh (hell)?

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