The joys of field service

by TallTexan 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • TallTexan
    You didn't mention just how good you feel when it's over..."I don't have to feel guilty the rest of this day!"

    True, true....what's funny is that you didn't feel guilty, but you accomplished NOTHING!!! There is NO feeling as good as knowing you've knocked on that last door on a Saturday morning - it almost made the car ride back to the hall worth it....almost......

    Virgogirl....I'll swap you pantyhose for a tie There is NOTHING worse than a tie on a hot day (typical male perspective).

  • TallTexan
    Once I moved out on my own and had my own car I would show up for the FS meeting and then drive home. Our cong was too small to have one of those "Elder's cars". But that's a good idea. Kinda like ridin' around with the foreman on the jobsite. Is that where you got your forum name? People'd be out in the territory and say "Where's ____? He was at the meeting for field service..." Then someone would say "Well, he must be ELSEWHERE!!"...Get it...Elsewhere?? <whooo....I'm killing myself here>

  • TresHappy

    The only joy I had ever in field service was when it was raining and we did RV's. We could get three, four hours in doing that...

  • divejunkie

    I always knew I had a "few goat hairs" on me because for as long as I can remember I hated with a passion going on field service. I used to wake up and start thinking of excuses I could use to stay home - non of them worked on my parents though, you had to be at the brink of death to be excused from going out to fs.

    When I was 10 they sent me in the service with this older sister who just LOVED to ambush young publishers into speaking when they were not ready to. She would do it by calling out and when the person came out she would start speaking and all of a sudden go : "My friend here wants to talk to you" and you were caught. She did it to me a couple of times and this particular day I decided she wasn't going to get me if she tried. Of course she did, she pulled the old routine and when the lady from the house turned to me I said: "No, I didn't want to talk to you" and she kept going in a very tight-jaw manner "Yes, remember you said you wanted to talk to the lady of the house". And I responded: "No, you called her out, so you talk to her - I have nothing to say to her". She was so pissed, right after she went to my father. I was grounded for a few days, but it felt great!

    Another memory of field service: Having to commit your summer vacation to pioneer "voluntarily"...Yeah, right! My friends and I would coordinate our pioneering and ditch service and go to the beach. tehe

  • TallTexan
    And I responded: "No, you called her out, so you talk to her - I have nothing to say to her".

    Sweet.....we had a couple of elders in our hall that would pull that trick....wish I'd thought of pulling that on them.

  • AlmostAtheist

    "Its dangerous for tow young people to go to the door alone." Whatever!

    OMG, that's funny. Worried about going to the freaking door with a guy? I love it!

    I went out alone with a sister once, just she and I driving around the territory. We were both counseled not to do this because of the danger of putting a man and a woman together alone like that.

    I was 17. She was 53. (All of her kids were older than me!)


  • rebel8

    LOL! The ONLY differences are the temperature (rarely gets that hot here) and the breakfast tacos (we have breakfast pizza here)!! Everything else is the same. Um, but Texan....panty hose are REALLY bad. I rarely wear them to this day. In the summer it's like wearing 3 layers of Saran Wrap stuck to your sweaty legs and nether regions, topped by the obligatory slip made of another layer of Saran Wrap and then a matronly long skirt. Your feet sweat so bad in the summer, they slide around in your shoes. When you get up from your seat in the car, there is a sweaty butt print left. I develop hives when I wear them in the heat. In the winter, imagine trying to shield your bare skin from zero degree winds, blowing snow, and splashing dirty slush with the same Saran Wrap. The boots protect your feet somewhat, but the wind and cold freeze your legs and nether regions. You try to find boots that prevent frostbite but don't make you look too much like a snowmobiler. At first your legs start to feel as though they're developing blisters, then the pain turns into numbness. Once you go inside, your skin starts stinging really bad. You can try to find thicker tights, but they look like something from Little House on the Prarie and they don't help much.

  • TallTexan
    In the summer it's like wearing 3 layers of Saran Wrap stuck to your sweaty legs and nether regions, topped by the obligatory slip made of another layer of Saran Wrap and then a matronly long skirt.

    O.k., rebel8, I conceed - ties are NOT as bad as pantyhose

    Send me some breakfast pizza and I'll send you some breakfast tacos....

  • zagor

    Yeah, and if you were a young lad, god forbid if you were ever allowed to go from door to door with that elders daughter
    You'd always get some old fart who was either deaf or didn't have a shower since French Revolution (no offence intended to anyone of board )

  • rebel8

    Ok. Here you go! I'd rather have a breakfast taco, but us eye-talians here in NY only have pizzas.


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